Disconnection happens for many reasons. It can feel scary, but sometimes it also feels safer, less vulnerable, to be connected to others. When someone deals with addiction and mental health issues, they may not realize how disconnected they’ve become. They may connect with the wrong crowd that just tells them what they want to hear. To really reconnect in recovery after feeling disconnected takes courage and vulnerability.

Brain Connection

The brain is heavily involved in how people desire connection or isolation. Although many people don’t realize it, the brain has two areas, the prefrontal cortex, and the amygdala that needs balancing for proper functioning. The prefrontal cortex helps with higher-order functions like planning for the future, feeling empathy, connecting with others, making good decisions and engaging in social behavior that is acceptable and positive.

All the things people equate with ‘good human behavior’ sort of starts here. The amygdala, on the other hand, is the limbic brain. This comes from a space of operating with fight or flight responses. This can be altered in a healthy brain due to traumatic brain injury, trauma, abuse, neglect, and devastating life experiences.

Stress can cause this to happen, too. Brains that are rewired take time to rewire for connection and overall happiness. To fix the brain, so to speak, means to tap into resources and tools that help rebuild the brain and mind to be better and stronger, more connected to the parts of the brain that help create a connection.

Healing Protection

To protect people from disconnection, it helps to reconnect to the self. The self is the only thing that a person has to live with every single day. Some ways to do that as a starting point, whether a person is in recovery or they are dealing with mental health issues and need support to rebuild connection:

  • Jump offline for a time. Start a digital detox. Some people believe EMFs or frequency waves from using computers and cell phones can impact the brain. Create barriers between the brain and digital distraction for starters. Find a balance between connection digitally and over consumption.
  • Seek gratitude in moments of joy. Disconnection can feel lonely, hard, and not joyful at all. Finding little moments like nature, children, pets, or other things will help build a sense of gratitude. Seek positive aspects of life and be mindful they are there, even if they are hard to see right now.
  • Opt outside. Don’t sit indoors too long. Even if people are isolated indoors for a time, they can still step outside, take a deep breath, and get relief from the great outdoors. Walk around, look at trees, and listen to the sounds of nature
  • Breathe. Meditate, focus on the breath, and find apps that help bring calm if that supports connection. Remember, every breath is a gift and to use it wisely

Other key things to do to rebuild connection is rest the brain. Get enough good sleep. Get enough exercise, drink lots of water, and be mindful of other substances like sugar and carbs going into the body. Set a routine and plan with an accountability partner. Don’t let them let you off the hook.

Ask someone to check in and make sure everything is going okay. It is a good thing to find one person who connects with you and ask them to help support your journey going forward to connection. In time, you will find the right balance and be feeling more connected and centered, which helps recovery from addiction and restores better mental health.

Alta Loma teaches you life skills and how to manage your stress. We help you navigate your personal journey of recovery from addiction and mental health issues. We will help you start the journey of recovery. Call us: 866-457-3843.