Humans are social creatures, and after spending some time by ourselves, we’re eager to jump into the social world and find companionship. Dating is an exciting experience that allows us to explore new places, enjoy different foods or activities, and, most importantly, develop an intimate relationship.
Looking for a romantic relationship during your 12-Step program, however, might not be the right choice for you. Make sure to know your challenges and goals before seeking a partner.
Abide by the Recommendation to Stay Out of Relationships for a Year
Taking the first three steps in recovery requires complete focus on yourself and your addiction. You need to devote all of your attention to yourself, not on a new partner. Also, if you decide to pursue a relationship against this advice, you may not want to share your dating experiences with your group.
Hiding information from the group, especially if your relationship sours, can damage your mental health. It seems tedious to wait a year, but taking the time to develop healthy coping mechanisms will inevitably benefit you and any future partners.
Consider Your Mental and Emotional States
Even if you’re a veteran in your 12-Step program, you may feel a little uncomfortable with dating. A companion does not need to be a romantic partner. Maybe venturing into social situations with friends is exactly what you need. Being unsure of whether you’re looking for a romantic partner or just a friend is normal.
Consulting with your therapist to evaluate your needs is a healthy practice that may offer some clarity. If you feel capable of devoting time and attention to a romantic partner while still catering to your mental health needs, share with your therapist, your group, or both.
In addition to their support, you may get some good advice about how to meet new people. Trust in the skills you have developed in your 12-Step. You are strong, dedicated, and ready to meet new people!
Alta Loma Transformational Services offers the tools you need to manage your addiction in a supportive environment. We understand that the journey toward recovery can be challenging, and we want to help you develop mechanisms that assist you in your relationships with yourself and other people in your life. Dedicated mental health experts will work with you to devise a sustainable plan for recovery that will set you on the road toward wellness. If you are interested, please call us at (866) 457-3843 for a consultation today.