You may notice that designers and homeowners spend a lot of time focusing on what colors to bring into a space. Sometimes, a room is painted white to make it look pure or red to give it energy. By understanding the mindfulness of colors, you can decide which colors positively affect your mental health.

The Mental Health Effects of the Color Blue 

When people are feeling sad or depressed, they call it “having the blues.” This is because, in the 1930s, a study by Sigmund E. Katz of the New York Psychiatric Institute asked 134 hospitalized patients to pick their favorite color. The color blue was the color that the majority associated with, implying that people suffering from a mental health disorder will link their feelings with blue. Blue is also associated with confidence, a cool temperature or temperament, contentedness, goals, and determination. 

The Mental Health Effects of the Color Green

Green has been accepted as the color of nourishment, health, and growth. Consequently, health brands often use green for their logos, to bring awareness to health and wellbeing. Tactics like these can impact trust and whether customers buy the product or not. Green can also give you a sense of restoration and naturality, as it can be a reminder of time spent relaxing and recharging outdoors. Shades of green can even give viewers a sense of regeneration, reminding you of things like the green light you see when charging your phone, or your green health bar when playing video games. Surrounding yourself with shades of green in your home can bring balance to your mind.

The Mental Health Effects of the Color Grey 

Grey tends to be associated with feelings of calm or neutrality. Since grey is a neutral color, it can make you feel still and balanced. The color grey might make you think of that so-called “grey area,” when things aren’t great, but they aren’t bad either. For many, grey resembles that grounded and stable mental state that is so sought after. Grey could also encourage feelings of authority, possibility, and strength. These are feelings you need when struggling with anxiety, depression, or stress. Grey can teach you to accept your feelings as they are instead of labeling them as good or bad. We all have our interpretations of color. As long as how you see color promotes feelings of positivity and hope, your moods will improve.

Colors have a way of making us feel things. Choosing the right colors for your specific space can greatly impact your mental state and mood. Whether you are feeling grey, white, blue, green, or anything in between, Alta Loma is here to help you. Located in Georgetown, Texas, our transformative treatment center can cater to your psychiatric needs with services such as art therapy and other recreational therapeutic activities, individualized therapy, medication management, life skills and coping education, and more. We understand that you may not know what you are feeling or how to channel it. Our specialized staff can put you on the right path so you can see where you are headed and get on your way towards the life you’ve always wanted. Please call us at (866) 457-3843 for more information.