When someone’s anxiety levels go through the roof, they may feel like going to the bathroom. Frequent urination is a common symptom of anxiety. Knowing why you need to use the restroom many times when you feel anxious can motivate you to seek treatment for it.

Fight or Flight Response

When things are running typically in your body, your bladder gradually fills up with urine from the kidneys, and your body sends signals to your brain that it is time to use the bathroom. When your fight or flight response activates, our brain overrides those signals that tell us it is time to urinate. Our bladder muscles contract, putting more pressure on the bladder and sends us to the bathroom. Some experts believe that the fight or flight response could put our kidneys into overdrive, which can produce more urine than usual.

Anxiety Brings Body Hyperawareness

When we are experiencing anxiety, we become very much aware of our bodies than ever before. We notice our rapid heartbeat through our chest, notice our breathing more, and feel the frequent urge to urinate. People with anxiety will focus on feeling like they are going to void when it may not be an emergency or even have to go at all. Your brain is just tricking you at the moment as it is focusing on your nerves.

How to Manage Urination From Anxiety

Anxiety already has a way of disrupting our lives that we do not want to have to worry about finding the nearest bathroom. It is one thing if you feel the need to urinate when you are about to head to a job interview or go on a date. It is another if these distracting urges to pee are more frequent and say something about your overall stress levels. You can do many things for your anxiety to make it less frequent to have to urinate, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy to learn that you may not have to go to the bathroom as much as you think. You can also engage in mindfulness training like belly breathing, where you focus on your breath only. Limit fluid intake of caffeinated beverages like coffee or tea before doing anything that can make you anxious. Being in control of your anxiety will help you control your bodily functions throughout your life.

Having anxiety can make you more prone to frequent bathroom trips. You may not have to urinate, but your nerves are communicating something different to the brain. At Alta Loma, we understand the importance of treating anxiety to avoid it from interfering in your daily activities. Anxiety treatment will always be in your control. Located in Georgetown, Texas, we have all the tools you need to treat your anxiety, such as individualized therapy, coping skills education, therapeutic recreational activities, a long-term continuum of care, and much more. Please give us a call at (866) 457-3843 to learn more.