Schizoaffective disorder is when you experience a combination of mood disturbances that you have seen in people with bipolar and schizophrenia. The National Institute of Health says that people with schizoaffective disorder tend to be misdiagnosed. It is important to understand what behaviors are linked with schizoaffective disorder to get a proper diagnosis of what you have to receive the correct course of treatment.

Delusions Can Be a Problem

Delusions are when you have false beliefs. For example, someone with schizoaffective disorder may think they can fly and try to see if they can. Delusions can make people do or say things that are out of the ordinary. People with schizoaffective disorder may think they are people they are not, like a supreme being or a fictional character. Delusions can be dangerous when they are not treated, as you can hurt yourself or others without meaning to.

Long Periods of No Sleep and Energetic

People who are bipolar tend to have long periods of little to no sleep and being overexcited, which can mimic some symptoms of schizophrenia. This person is not doing anything that can get them in trouble, but they have trouble calming down. It can be that this person is talking too fast, exhibiting symptoms similar to ADHD in their energy levels, and being awake for days with no sleep. Long periods of no sleep can lead to crashing in their beds with depression coming into play.

Catatonia With Schizoaffective Disorder

Some people with schizoaffective disorder may be awake but have trouble communicating. Some will go into a catatonic state where they will appear incoherent. When someone is catatonic, they may be awake and can move their eyes, but their body is frozen, and they have trouble speaking. While this condition is very rare, it can happen when you deal with severe mental illnesses.

Suicidal Ideation

Someone who has schizophrenia might think about killing themselves to stop the torment they are experiencing. If they are hallucinating, voices might be telling them to take their own life or the life of someone else. People with bipolar lows have the same issue. If you have schizoaffective disorder and have suicidal thoughts, it is important to be monitored closely. While schizoaffective disorder can be challenging and presents no cure, treatment methods and having a strong support system can make things easier. Schizoaffective disorder may be challenging, but it can be managed just like any other mental illness.

Schizoaffective disorder is when you experience symptoms similar to bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. This mental illness can be easily misdiagnosed if you are not clear on the symptoms. By noticing certain behaviors that may interfere with your life, you will be able to speak to a doctor about your symptoms for a proper diagnosis. At Alta Loma, we understand the underlying symptoms of schizoaffective disorder and have the tools to treat you. We can provide you with individualized treatment, medication management, therapeutic recreational activities, and more. Please give us a call at (866) 457-3843 for more information about our services.