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Delusions are extremely common for those with schizophrenia. When someone has delusions, they may experience illogical or bizarre fantasies. It can be believed that others are out to get them, and they cannot be corrected by reason. Delusions may never go away for someone with schizophrenia, making it essential to be patient with that person and teach them how to combat delusions.

Identify the Type of Delusion

There is no point in trying to fight these delusions as they are a part of schizophrenia. The best thing to do is establish a relationship with the delusion and try to understand it. Question the logic or reasoning behind the delusion. Paraphrase how this person describes their delusions to clarify any confusion. If the person is not in psychosis, do not feed into the delusion by asking questions about it. Identify the main feeling and tone of the delusion. If you and your loved one with schizophrenia establish a relationship with the delusion, there will be no surprises when it occurs.

Assess the Delusion

Keep a log assessing the person’s delusion based on the intensity, frequency, and duration. See if these delusions occur at the same time of the day or are related to specific activities or actions. This way, you can stay away from situations that can trigger paranoia or delusions. Some delusions can be quick and go as soon as they come; however, some last longer over an extended period. A therapist can also help your loved one better understand the delusion and their triggers.

How to Cope with Someone Who Has Delusions

If the person you know with schizophrenia cannot stop talking about the delusion, help them resume the activity they were in the middle of. If that person wants to speak to you about the delusion, just listen to them quietly as there is no need to make it a discussion to prolong the delusion. Pay close attention to the person’s emotions to make sure they are not doing anything to hurt themselves. Let them know your concern and advise them to speak to a therapist to better their mental health. You can even offer to join them to show that you are both in this together. Having a true understanding of delusions and seeking support can help you and your loved one continue your life.

One of the symptoms of schizophrenia is dealing with delusions, which are bizarre fantasies that seem real to the affected person. The best thing you can do when someone you know is experiencing delusions is to help them understand what they are experiencing and help identify any triggers that bring these delusions to the surface. At Alta Loma, we know how frustrating delusions can be with schizophrenia, and we are here to help you. Our transformative treatment center offers individualized therapy, coping skills education, a long-term continuum of care, and more. Call (866) 457-3843 to learn more.
