If given the news that a friend has passed away, our initial instinct may be disbelief, followed by sadness and possibly some tears. An individual who has emotional responses characterized by inappropriate affect may react inappropriately, if at all. This can be as simple as laughing in serious situations that would normally call for a stern and fixed demeanor to blunted emotions when hearing tragic news. These symptoms can point to deeper underlying psychological disorders that can be aided by meeting with a treatment professional.

Causes of Inappropriate Affect

Inappropriate affect can be the result of mental disorders such as depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, and PTSD. People with these disorders have trouble expressing emotions in an expected manner. These behaviors are the reaction to hallucinations or delusions which precipitate the inappropriate emotional response. An example of this would be smiling joyfully when confronted with the news that a close family member had passed away. Sometimes inappropriate affect can be the result of trying to protect your emotions.

Types of Inappropriate Affect

There isn’t one set way that this symptom is expressed by those dealing with mental health disorders. Below is a list of various inappropriate affect expressed by individuals:

  • Blunted affect – showing little feeling in emotional situations
  • Restricted affect – reduction in expressive range
  • Labile affect – quick changes in emotions that do not relate to the situation or are inappropriate
  • Flat affect – absolutely no feelings or emotions no matter what the circumstance

Receiving treatment for inappropriate affect depends on the underlying cause. To find proper treatment, diagnosis by a healthcare professional is the first step toward recovery. Therapy is an indispensable tool that can be utilized to better treat this symptom. Friends, family, and loved ones may be confused and disheartened by your lack of appropriate emotional responses. The combination of supportive relationships with therapy in a partial hospitalization program opens the door for emotional and psychological stability.

Inappropriate affect is characterized by emotional responses that do not keep with a situation. These responses are often exhibited with friends, family, or coworkers, in ranges from serious situations to casual social interactions. Working through and uncovering co-occurring disorders can be difficult and daunting, but it is not impossible. At Alta Loma, we understand the struggles of dealing with mental health disorders and are here to help. Our transformative treatment center in Georgetown, Texas, can give you the tools needed to succeed. We equip our clients with resources such as individualized therapy, constant access to medical professionals, addiction specialists, and a supportive community environment. Please give us a call at (866) 457-3843 to learn more.