Derealization disorder is a dissociative disorder characterized by the belief that the world you live in is not real. This can lead to distressing depression and anxiety symptoms for people of all ages. It is essential to find the best treatment plan for yourself if you have derealization disorder to ensure you can distinguish between reality and fiction.

Causes of Derealization

The leading theories as to why someone develops derealization disorder mention co-occurrence with PTSD, panic disorder, or other types of anxiety disorders. Derealization disorder can also occur from head trauma, epilepsy, or other neurological conditions.

Depression and other mental health disorders can also lead to derealization, as can recreational drug use. Other risk factors include having personality traits that make you avoid or deny difficult situations or make it hard to adapt. Severe stress can also tend to distort your vision and mindset.

Symptoms of Derealization

Mild cases of derealization may feel like daydreaming. Severe cases, however, can involve a complete loss of connection with reality.

You may feel like you are living in a dream that you cannot escape. You may also see your surroundings as blurry, fake, distorted, or without color. You may not know the time or where you are. You could also feel a disconnect from your peers like something is separating you from them.

These symptoms can last for hours, days, weeks, or even months. Unlike other psychotic disorders, people with derealization disorder know that what they are seeing is not real, leaving them concerned for their mental health.

Treatment for Derealization Disorder

It is normal to experience moments of derealization from time to time when you feel overwhelmed. If these symptoms appear frequently and become severe, it is time to speak with a professional.

Any time your mental health symptoms interfere with daily life, professional intervention might be necessary. Therapy can help you control your symptoms and teach you how to cope with traumatic situations that led to your symptoms.

There are no medications right now for derealization disorder, but medication for mental health disorders like anxiety or depression could help you. A therapist will refer you to the best treatment option. Seeking treatment for derealization disorder will help you control your symptoms and give you a better sense of reality.

Derealization disorder is characterized by a distorted perception of your surroundings. Patients describe it as feeling like being stuck in a dream from which you cannot escape. This can be the result of trauma, anxiety, depression, or other mental health symptoms. At Alta Loma, we understand that mental health symptoms can make your life harder, and we are here to make it easier. In Georgetown, Texas, our transformative treatment center can provide you with individualized therapy, life and coping skills education, therapeutic recreational activities, and more. Give us a call at (866) 457-3843 for more information about our services.