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Bipolar disorder is a mental health disorder characterized by “high” and “low” mood states of mania, hypomania, and depression. People with bipolar type I sometimes experience more severe symptoms like psychosis and hallucinations. If you are experiencing hallucinations as a result of bipolar disorder, it is crucial to seek treatment.

Different Kinds of Hallucinations

Hallucinations can involve seeing, hearing, or feeling what no one else can. Hallucinations tend to be fleeting, like if you think someone has touched your arm when there is no one there. They can also be longer and detailed, like hearing voices have a conversation. Hallucinations can take over any of your senses, but often just one at a time.

Hallucination Triggers

One trigger for hallucinations can be stress from everyday life, along with the stress that bipolar disorder can bring. You are likely to hallucinate under a lot of stress or when you are overwhelmed.

Sleep deprivation can also be a trigger, as a lack of sleep often follows a manic episode. This usually means sleeping less than six hours because you feel like you do not need the rest. Not getting enough sleep can trigger manic episodes and contribute to anxiety, depression, and other concerns.

If a hallucination occurs as a result of medications like Zyprexa, antidepressants, bupropion, or SSRIs, speak to your prescriber right away.

Finding Treatment

Medications can help you treat bipolar disorder. Common medications for bipolar disorder treatment include mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, and benzodiazepines.

With treatment, you can learn how to manage stress, address lifestyle changes, and improve sleeping and eating habits. These strategies can help improve all symptoms that come with bipolar disorder. It is best to work with a therapist specializing in bipolar episodes who can recognize an episode when it occurs.

If You Feel Like Treatment Is Not Working

If it seems like your medication is not working for you or is causing your hallucinations, mention this to your doctor or psychiatrist. Remember not to abruptly stop the medication as this can lead to serious side effects.

It is also important to continue taking your prescribed medication even if you appear fine, as stopping can trigger an episode. It is best to continue to keep in touch with your therapist to avoid stress and panic from making bipolar symptoms worse.

Bipolar disorder comes with a variety of different episodes as well as the symptoms of hallucinations. These hallucinations mean that you see, hear, or feel things that are not there. Not managing these hallucinations can lead to more stress which can cause episodes and hallucinations to grow worse.

At Alta Loma, we understand the importance of bipolar disorder treatment, and we are here to help you. Located in Georgetown, Texas, we can provide you with individualized therapy, medication management, life coping skills education, and more. Call us today at (866) 457-3843 for more information about our services.
