Journaling is a popular practice among individuals recovering from substance addiction, but the activity isn’t for everyone. Taking pen to paper can be tedious, and even typing becomes a chore when you have a lot to say. In the time of high-definition phone cameras and free media editing software or apps, it’s time to explore a new type of journaling: video journaling.

The University of Rochester Medical Center recommends regular journaling for reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Recording your thoughts can help you gain a deeper understanding of your emotions and offer insight into triggering experiences. When coupled with exercise and a balanced diet, journaling can greatly improve your mental health.

Writing your thoughts can be difficult. Something may pop into your head before you have time to write it down, or your hand cramps just as you’re reaching an emotional high point. Even word choice can prove to be an unnecessary obstacle. Typing may save some time and paper, but if staring at a screen for extended periods of time has negative effects, a virtual journal may not be the right choice, either.

The exercise of releasing your thoughts is therapeutic and, for many people, a lot of fun! A video journal provides you with an outlet for that release without the difficulties that accompany writing or typing. Video journaling is easy. If you’re using a phone or computer, turn on the video feature and start talking. Recorders and cameras are even simpler: just turn on your device and you’re ready.

Speaking into a camera may feel a little awkward at first, but with continuous practice, you will grow more comfortable and confident. Seeing and hearing yourself express internal thoughts and emotions has the same mental health benefits as reading your words on paper.

Feel free to present as the truest version of yourself. Dressing in nicer clothes or including your dog in the entry because those parts of your life are important to your identity is a good place to start. Maybe you prefer to journal in the morning because you really want to retell the events of your dreams. As long as you are genuine, focused, and invested in the practice of video journaling, including elements that show your identity may enhance your experience.

If you are interested in developing tools like video journaling to improve your mental health, speak with a professional at Alta Loma today. Alta Loma provides addiction and mental health treatment options that are tailored to the specific needs of each guest. With a focus on lifelong wellbeing, Alta Loma prioritizes sustainable and effective healing practices that can be used within and outside of the facility. If you are ready to begin your journey in treating your mental health, please call us at (866) 457-3843.