Stress can cause you to behave in ways you would otherwise find unacceptable. According to the journal Family Process, data suggests that Americans are having virtual affairs in response to the stress and isolation caused by the COVID-19. Learning how to manage anxiety before it gets out of hand can help to keep you and your relationships healthy and stable.

Stressed-Out Partners Coping With Forced Isolation

Social media, online dating services and smartphone apps have increased the way we socialize and find partners. They have also made engaging in infidelity more convenient. The social isolation and work-from-home conditions brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic have forced us into close quarters with families and partners with little relief. The stress of this forced intimacy has put pressures on relationships in ways never before experienced. Without the ability to seek relief from the pressures by simply getting out of the house for a while, stressed out partners are seeking the virtual company of others. Data has shown that 17,000 new people have signed up for dating services every day during the pandemic which is more than the 1,500 daily in 2019. 

The Psychological Effects of Having an Affair

Infidelity can lead to distrust and even the end of a marriage. The high stress of the pandemic can make it harder for couples to recover after a partner goes astray. Affairs are devastating in the best of times. The additional stresses brought about by the pandemic can make the fallout from infidelity even worse, exacerbating anxiety and depression. Un-addressed, the anger and betrayal that are often the result of an affair may even lead to relationship violence.

Recovering From an Affair During the Pandemic

Solving marital problems will not be easy during this uncertain time. Social distancing and safety requirements make seeking professional help difficult. Partners can begin at home by building a trust plan that both agree upon. Such plans may include parameters around social media use, sharing passwords on personal devices and closing down personal email accounts in favor or a shared account. The cheating partner may bring children along when running errands or partners may opt to only leave the home together for a period of time. By learning about healthy methods for your anxiety, you have a real chance to save your marriage.


The additional pressures placed upon relationships by the COVID-19 pandemic can have serious effects on mental health and decision making. At Alta-Loma Transitional Living we are experienced in behavioral health and substance misuse conditions in all their forms and can help you get back on the road to a healthy and fulfilling life. Located just north of Austin in Georgetown, Texas, Alta Loma understands that your care plan should be as unique as you are. We offer a wide array of tools and support that will be customized to meet your specialized needs by our knowledgeable and compassionate professionals. Our dedicated team will work with you as you increase your confidence and develop the ability to return to healthy independence. If you or someone you care about is ready to build the balance and stability needed to heal from mental health and substance abuse disorders, call us at (866) 457-3843 to get started.