Alcohol use can lead to flushed cheeks and sweating. This can make you feel warmer as a result of your blood vessels widening and you may feel you are wrapped in a “beer blanket.”. If alcohol is making you think you are feeling warmer, this can be very dangerous — you can be at risk of contracting hypothermia and freeze to death.

Alcohol and Body Temperature

This“beer blanket” phenomenon about alcohol can trick you into thinking you feel like you are warmer during those cold nights. Don’t be fooled. Alcohol causes the blood vessels in your skin to dilate. Your blood supply is being shifted all around which causes your body to release more heat. Your body temperature is not truly changing, just redistributing heat. A human body’s core body temperature is approximately 98 degrees and most of the heat is generated by your metabolism. Your skin is overwhelmed with sensory receptors that notice temperature changes and blood redistribution that occurs when drinking alcohol sends a message to your brain telling you it is hot. However. This message is false.

How Alcohol is Dangerous for Your Body Temperature

When your body detects the cold, it acts to protect you from frostbite or hypothermia. In lower temperatures, your blood vessels constrict to direct blood to your vital organs. When you drink alcohol, however, it reverses that process. Your body thinks it is hot, so you start to sweat to lower your body temperature. During the digestion process, the liver gives off heat as it metabolizes the alcohol. It can make you feel like you are warm when in reality, alcohol is just lowering your body’s core temperature. On warmer days, this can make you feel nauseated and dizzy. On colder days, you may be at risk for hypothermia if you think you are warm when you are actually chilly.

Alcohol and Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are the body’s way of telling it to cool down. When the effects of excessive drinking wear off, you may experience hot flashes as one of the symptoms of a hangover developing. Hot flashes can be a withdrawal symptom when you stop drinking alcohol. When you drink alcohol, hot flashes may come from your body’s abnormal temperature changes. If you are experiencing these symptoms as a result of stopping your alcohol use, it could mean that you have an addiction and are showing signs of withdrawal. Getting help for alcoholism may not only normalize your body temperature but help you take control of your life.


Alcohol can mislead you into thinking you are warm in a cold climate. This can be dangerous if you believe it. Also, if you are suffering from hot flashes as a result of alcohol withdrawal, it can mean that you are struggling with alcoholism. Luckily, Alta Loma’s transformative treatment center is here to help you. We can provide you with personalized treatment to ensure your recovery is a successful one. Located in Georgetown, Texas, we can provide you with 12-step programs, life and coping skills education, therapeutic recreational activities, and more. Please call us at (866) 457-3843 for more information.