Everyone experiences depression from time to time. However, those who have a depression disorder go through episodes more often that can leave them feeling drained, unmotivated, and hopeless. Depressive episodes can be especially difficult to deal with when they seemingly appear out of nowhere. Your life seems to be going in the right direction when all of a sudden, you feel left behind. Knowing how to get out of a depressive episode in a healthy manner will help you take care of your mental health and life direction. Stay in it and remember, this is only temporary.

Get Moving

While this may sound difficult to do since depression can drain you of energy, doing physical activity can boost your mood and bring you out of a depressive episode quite quickly. This is because endorphins flow through your body as you move, boosting your mood and making you feel better physically and mentally. You don’t have to do strenuous activity, even going for a walk in the sunshine can help!

Cuddle Up With Your Favorite Show

If you can’t seem to get out of bed because of a depressive episode, getting comfy and watching your favorite show can help you feel better. You wouldn’t be up and running if you were feeling physically ill, so you should take care of yourself in the same way when it comes to your mental health. Your favorite show can provide a sense of comfort, and taking a break from daily responsibilities can help you regroup and release the pressure of everyday life.

Make a Happy List

It can be hard to see the bright side of things when depression is clouding your view. Making a list of the things that make you happy can aid your escape from a depressive episode. Remember, it doesn’t have to be anything complicated or profound. If plants, animals, fresh-baked cookies, or friends make you happy, write it down!

Reach Out

Admitting you need help can be tough to do, but talking to someone that understands what you are going through can lessen the feelings of loneliness. Talk to a trusted friend or even a professional counselor to get things off your chest and find support.

Depressive episodes can hit you out of nowhere and leave you feeling extremely low. Knowing how to bring yourself out of them takes practice, but it can be done. Taking small steps can make a world of difference when you are struggling with depression, but extra help is never too far away. Alta Loma Transformational Services works with men that need help with mental health and addiction struggles. Our variety of programs address each clients’ individual needs to support long-term recovery. Call us today to learn more at (866) 457-3843.