When you are experiencing symptoms that feel out of the ordinary, you may feel inclined to research your symptoms online to get an idea of what is going on with you. However, it is always best to receive an accurate diagnosis from a licensed professional, as much of the information online may be inaccurate or confusing. If you still feel the need to research your diagnosis and symptoms, make sure to look at reliable sources only to avoid scaring yourself with a diagnosis that may be false.
Understanding Online Searches
People who search for mental health symptoms may not understand the logarithms of search engines. They may think that the top ten results that appear when searching their symptoms are the most accurate resources. However, search engines work by showing the articles that have the most number of views. When searching for mental health symptoms, you may be scaring yourself for no reason instead of getting the facts from actual mental health professionals.
The Harm That Comes From Self-Diagnosis
When you rely too much on the internet for a diagnosis, you can run the risk of misdiagnosing yourself. The internet cannot take into account your health history and environment the way a doctor can. Depression or even suicide may occur if you do not get the correct information. Self-diagnosing can also lead to an increased chance of drug toxicity if you take the wrong medicine for a mental health disorder you do not have. Getting the facts about your mental health disorder is the first step to treating it.
Useful Ways to Research Symptoms
Online health education can be a great starting point to give you some theories of what mental health disorder you may have, although a professional diagnosis is still necessary. However, it is essential to know where to look when doing internet research. For example, you should look up your symptoms on reputable sites, such as:
- National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Excellent information also comes from sources that end in .gov; these are government-sponsored. Sites that end in .edu are also reliable, as they come from medical schools or university sites. By going to suitable sources, you will receive clear information about the symptoms you may be experiencing.
A mental health diagnosis is crucial to determine what treatment options are best for you going forward. Researching your symptoms online compared to receiving a diagnosis from a doctor can be dangerous. Educational websites and medical consultations will give you a good idea of what mental health disorder you may be experiencing. At Alta Loma, we understand how frustrating it is to know you are battling something you cannot put a name to. Our transformative treatment center can give you a full psychiatric assessment as well as medication management. Call us today at (866) 457-3843 for more information.