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Misinterpreting symptoms of mental health disorders is a common occurrence that can result in widespread misunderstanding of the disorder in question. The misunderstanding can cause people to make unfair assumptions, confuse disorders, and engage in the stigmatization of mental health. One such confusion in the community is assuming that avoidant personality disorder (APD) is an extreme version of shyness. However, the disorder is distinct from shyness due to other common symptoms. Understanding these differences can help clear up confusion, lessen stigma, and help those struggling get the help they need.

What is Avoidant Personality Disorder?

Those with avoidant personality disorder are known to struggle long-term with feeling inadequate, shy, and sensitive to rejection. These individuals often ruminate on their behaviors, view them as wrong, and believe that others are constantly judging them. The overwhelming fear of rejection can cause these individuals to isolate themselves rather than be rejected by someone. Therefore, relationships are only made if the person believes that others won’t abandon them.

The disorder has a significant impact on the daily life of individuals struggling with it. It is considered to be related to other personality disorders that are characterized by fear and nervousness.

How Does Shyness Differ From APD?

Shyness occurs when a person feels uncomfortable or fearful around others, especially new people. They are often overly self-conscious and critical of their behavior. However, it is crucial to understand that shyness is a common emotion that everyone feels at some point in their life. It is not characterized as a disorder unless it is a pattern displayed by an individual that results in loss of freedom, disability, pain, or even death. It mustn’t be expected behavior from general society, thus meaning that shyness by itself is not as severe as APD but rather is a common symptom of the disorder.

A general lack of understanding regarding what constitutes a mental health or psychological disorder often results in confusion regarding symptoms of specific conditions. A lack of people getting the help they need can result from this, so it is crucial to provide education on the subject, such as avoidant personality disorder (APD) and shyness. At Alta Loma Transformational Services, we strive to create a better world full of decreased stigma and increased understanding regarding mental health and substance use disorders. Through our educational and treatment programs, anyone can get the help they need at Alta Loma. Call us today at (866) 457-3843.
