Seeing your loved one struggling with symptoms of bipolar disorder can be frustrating, confusing, and at times, heartbreaking. However, your help and support can make a difference in their safety and ability to cope. For example, learning how to help your loved one through a manic episode can ensure they are safe and kept out of harm’s way. While it may be challenging at first, your willingness to understand the disease and offer help can make all the difference.

#1 Be Around the Person

Individuals with bipolar disorder can experience feelings of loneliness and isolation, especially during manic episodes. While their energy may be heightened during these episodes, even spending a short period of time with them can help them feel less lonely. Also, doing physical activities together, such as walking or working out, can help them burn extra energy.

#2 Surround the Person With Calm

Extra stimuli are the last thing a person having a manic episode needs. Because manic episodes can cause the person to have extra energy and experience euphoria, they will need calm surroundings to keep their behavior settled.

#3 Have Ready-to-Eat Foods

It can be challenging for a person experiencing a manic episode to sit still for long periods of time, such as during meals. However, preparing ready-to-eat foods such as sandwiches, crackers, or fruits can ensure they get the nutrients they need while on the go.

#4 Offer Sound Advice or Redirection

Individuals experiencing a manic episode are more prone to making rash decisions or significant financial purchases. As best you can, try to deter them from making these choices in the moment and encourage waiting until later.

#5 Be Prepared to Call for Medical Intervention

Manic episodes can sometimes cause individuals to have hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia. If your loved one experiences these and may be a harm to themselves or others, it is best to contact medical professionals immediately. You should not feel guilty, as you will be helping your loved one and ensuring their safety.

Watching your loved one go through a manic episode can be challenging, but there are ways that you can help them through it. Being prepared is the best way to help ensure their safety. Even if you don’t have bipolar disorder yourself, you can still be a valuable resource to your loved one. Alta Loma Transformational Services helps men heal from substance use and mental health disorders through individualized treatment programs. We treat bipolar disorder and educate loved ones on how to help them. If you or someone you know struggles with bipolar disorder, contact our facility today at (866) 457-3843.