Author Archives: Alta Loma

What to Do About Summertime Depression

What to Do About Summertime Depression

We know how seasonal affective disorder is normally a depression for those who do not get enough sunlight, but there is a depression for those who get too much sun. Everyone’s bodies work differently about how we feel when the sun comes out. It is important to try to enjoy your summer by being around […]

When is the Best Time to Bring Up Past Trauma to Your Partner?

When is the Best Time to Bring Up Past Trauma to Your Partner?

You may feel like when you first meet someone, you want to be open and honest with them about your life. While honesty is a good quality to have, it is good to establish a connection with each other first before you share anything traumatic or challenging. When you tell your partner about your trauma […]

What Should Partners Watch Out For in a New Mom?

What Should Partners Watch Out For in a New Mom?

If someone has never been a mother before, it can happen where it is not until their baby is born that they realize how stressful being a mother is. You may think that your partner is fine in that she is not complaining or asking for help. It is important to pay close attention to […]

How Your Weekend of Hard Drinking Can Be a Sign of Alcoholism

How Your Weekend of Hard Drinking Can Be a Sign of Alcoholism

You may think that saving your binge drinking for the weekends does not mean that you have a drinking problem. While it may seem like you have it together during the weekends, your drinking habits may be getting out of hand during this time that can lead to high-functioning alcoholism. By noticing how your drinking […]

How Do Therapists Use Instagram to Get Through to Their Clients?

How Do Therapists Use Instagram to Get Through to Their Clients?

Therapists do not have to just exist during your sessions at their office. There are some therapists who use Instagram as a way to communicate with their clients such as posts about self-care, mothering oneself, imposter syndrome and trauma. By using pictures and inspiration texts on Instagram to get through to their clients, therapists have […]

How You Know Your Mental Health Medication Is Not Working

How You Know Your Mental Health Medication Is Not Working

Your mental health professional or doctor will try to prescribe you medicine based on past medications you have tried, family history of mental illness, and more. It is possible that you have tried this brand new medication prescribed to you and you feel like nothing is happening. By knowing how to tell if your medication […]

How Can You Make Anxious Waiting Periods Easier?

How Can You Make Anxious Waiting Periods Easier?

Your anxiety may tend to heighten when it comes to waiting. It can be that you are nervous about a doctor’s appointment or that you are waiting in a long line to your favorite ride but the clock is ticking for the park to close. According to a Mental Floss study, scientists have come up […]

New Study Shows How Alcohol Can Affect Speech

New Study Shows How Alcohol Can Affect Speech

It is already well-known that alcohol can cause you to have slurred speech and heavy drinking can make it hard to differentiate the emotions shown by others. A new study that took place in the U.K. showed that alcohol can cause you to lose the ability to express different emotions through your tone. By going […]

Why Does Taking a Bath Make a Difference in Your Depression?

Why Does Taking a Bath Make a Difference in Your Depression?

It is common for people to jump into a nice hot bath after a long hard day. What is it about baths that are so relaxing for us? A new study shows that taking a bath twice a week can help relieve symptoms of depression more than physical exercise. What Happened in the Study? Researchers […]