Author Archives: Alta Loma

Acupuncture: Can It Help During Addiction Recovery?

Acupuncture: Can It Help During Addiction Recovery?

First, What Is Acupuncture? Acupuncture is an ancient technique from Traditional Chinese Medicine that believes there are lines of energy running through the body called meridians. When there is an issue in the body or disease, it’s believed to be a blockage in the movement along those meridians. Micro-thin, sterile needles are used to facilitate […]

Is Improving my Physical Health an Important Part of my Recovery?

Is Improving my Physical Health an Important Part of my Recovery?

When we think about recovery from active addiction, we tend to think about twelve step meetings, counseling sessions, and connecting with a power greater than ourselves. Indeed, these are crucial to our recovery and key to beginning our spiritual growth. Also important to our recovery is our physical health. Although we sometimes think of our […]

Benefits of Art Therapy During Recovery

Benefits of Art Therapy During Recovery

Art allows thoughts, beliefs, and feelings to rise to the surface in a creative, productive, and purposeful way. It’s no wonder art therapy is commonly used at most addiction rehab centers to help those with substance use and mental health disorders find ways to express themselves and heal. But what happens when you’re done with […]

What is Preventing me From Reaching Out for Help?

What is Preventing me From Reaching Out for Help?

Barriers to Seeking Treatment If you are suffering from the disease of addiction and you are reluctant to get help, you’re not alone. A recent government survey reported that, of the nearly 23 million people with substance use disorder, only about 10 percent of them received treatment. This suggests that vast majority of people in […]

Life After Meth: 6 Strategies To Keeping You On The Right Track 

Life After Meth: 6 Strategies To Keeping You On The Right Track 

After completing treatment for methamphetamine addiction, the next stage is recovery bringing with it some difficult challenges, especially in the first few weeks. Those recovering from long-term meth abuse will experience cravings and triggers in various forms and will need immense support and coping skills to stay committed to their sobriety. Here are some tips […]

Do People with Social Anxiety Disorder Fear the Dinner Table?

Do People with Social Anxiety Disorder Fear the Dinner Table?

Mealtimes can be anxiety-provoking for practically anyone. There are many social eating situations over which people sometimes experience anxiety. Many people anxiously anticipate meals with coworkers, clients, a wedding rehearsal dinner or an attractive coworker’s birthday bash. But for people with social anxiety disorder (SAD) and related eating disorders, dinners with others can be both […]

MDMA: The Neurobiology and Dangers of Ecstasy  

MDMA: The Neurobiology and Dangers of Ecstasy  

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), “MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine), or commonly referred to as “ecstasy” or “molly,” is a synthetic drug that alters mood and perception (awareness of surrounding objects and conditions). It is chemically similar to both stimulants and hallucinogens, producing feelings of increased energy and pleasure as well as distorted sensory […]

Visiting a Loved One In Rehab – Do’s & Don’ts

Visiting a Loved One In Rehab – Do’s & Don’ts

Friends and family members try hard to support the ones they love in rehab and want to see them as often as possible. However, often times friends and family don’t understand what’s expected of them or how to act once they enter a facility. And even with the best intentions, visits in rehab can sometimes […]

Why are 12 Step Meetings an Important Part of Any Aftercare Program?

Why are 12 Step Meetings an Important Part of Any Aftercare Program?

Aftercare takes place following the completion of a drug/alcohol rehabilitation program. Each aftercare is designed to help the completing client to extend recovery beyond the safe confines of the initial treatment program. While the drug and alcohol counselor helps in crafting the client’s aftercare, the client has an equal say in what will be included […]