Author Archives: Alta Loma

How Can Mirror Gazing Help You Love Yourself More?

Vector Cartoon in Flat Style of a young Woman with her reflection
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How to Know Your Medication Is Working

doctor writing notes on notepad|doctor writing notes on chart

A client who is undergoing treatment may be prescribed medication for several different reasons. With psychiatric treatment, medication is often an additional tool to help clients feel better and progress towards better mental health. With addiction, some medications have been proven to help clients stay in recovery. Receiving treatment for addiction while taking medication is […]

What Is the Importance of Accepting Powerlessness in Recovery?

two women sitting on rock facing on body of water and mountain|

In Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), the first step is “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol and that our lives had become unmanageable.” This means admitting that alcohol is negatively impacting your thinking, your feelings, and your actions. Admitting your powerlessness over alcohol is a great step towards a positive direction. Tell Someone When You Want […]

How Can You Cope With Paralyzing Anxiety?

black and white photo of a serious woman|

Persistent worrying as a result of ruminating thoughts is one of the core symptoms of many anxiety disorders. Paralyzing anxiety can be so overwhelming that you find it difficult to function throughout the day. Knowing how paralyzing anxiety can affect your life can encourage you to seek treatment. Physical Symptoms Associated With Anxiety Physical effects […]

Changing Eating Habits to Benefit Recovery

Your gut and brain function better on clean, unprocessed foods. Changing your eating habits to reflect around foods that better your brain and gut health can help you feel more motivated, happier, and healthier. As a result, eating healthier can help you sustain recovery and improve your mental health. The Connection Between Eating Habits and […]

What Is the Link Between Marijuana and Psychosis?


Psychosis is defined as a disconnect from reality, in which an individual experiences hallucinations or delusions they perceive to be real. While psychosis can be a symptom of many mental health disorders, it can also be caused by marijuana use. If you have are experiencing psychosis as a result of heavy marijuana use, it may […]

What Are the Best Exercises for When You Feel Angry?

man working out|

We all get angry from time to time and struggle with healthy ways to express it. Instead of letting your anger sit inside of you, try letting it out through exercise. Exercising is a great way to activate feel-good hormones like endorphins and serotonin and control your mood. Practice Boxing Boxing is a full-body workout […]