Author Archives: Alta Loma
Often, individuals with schizoaffective disorder cannot finish their studies due to their symptoms interfering with their ability to focus. Many drop out or never finish college because they believe they will never have the ability to complete the program. However, there are resources available for individuals struggling with schizoaffective disorder to succeed in school and […]
When it comes to mental health, there are many terms that are not commonly used. Many people are confused by the vocabulary thrown around in clinical circles, leading to confusion and stigma. One such term that is often misunderstood is psychosis. Due to misrepresentation, many people have come to view psychosis with negative undertones. However, […]
The COVID-19 pandemic has made it especially easy for people to spend their days sitting on their beds or the couch. Spending extended periods engaged in a sedentary lifestyle can have a negative impact on your mental health. By living a more active lifestyle, you can have more energy throughout the day and foster a […]
Friendships are one of the most critical aspects of our lives because humans are naturally social creatures. The people you choose to surround yourself with have a significant impact on your life, and you want to do everything you can to ensure they feel comfortable and enjoy being around you. However, struggling with mental health, […]
As humans, we rely on groups to help us feel safe, cared for, and protected. However, living in groups will ultimately result in occasional conflicts and disagreements. Such disagreements can cause stress, anxiety, tension, and other mental health problems. Therefore, it is crucial to know how to navigate disagreements in a healthy and effective way […]
For individuals that struggle with depression, it is no secret that it can impact sleep. Some people find themselves sleeping more while others may not be able to sleep at all. However, it is crucial to understand that depression and sleep are in a cycle, impacting one another over time. By understanding how depression impacts […]
If you have a panic disorder or have ever experienced a panic attack before, then you know they can be frightening. Having one while home alone or in a safe place with people you love is one thing, but experiencing a panic attack in a public place can be terrifying. Learning how to safely work […]
For individuals recovering from mental health or addiction, finding healthy coping mechanisms is crucial for triggers and preventing relapse. One of the best ways to cope with bad days in recovery is by journaling. Many may think that journaling is not for them, simply because they only know the idea of keeping a diary and […]