“Feel good” hormones are produced by different glands in the body that act as messengers. We also have “feel good” chemicals that help provide you with a positive outlook on life. By knowing how to bring out these positive chemicals, you can learn how to live a happier and healthier lifestyle. Hormones and Neurotransmitters Dopamine […]
Author Archives: Alta Loma
For almost everyone, admitting that you need help is challenging. You don’t want to seem weak to others, especially when you have been claiming that you’re okay for the longest time. However, the first step to fixing any problem is admitting it exists. When you face the fear of admitting that you need help to […]
Re-entry anxiety is one of the biggest concerns as society emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic. An article published by the American Psychological Association titled “One Year On: Unhealthy Weight Gains, Increased Drinking Reported by Americans Coping With Pandemic Stress” found that 49% of 3,013 people are still nervous about attending in-person activities. Instead of exploring […]
When was the last time you truly took time to yourself to destress from the chaos of life? The American Psychological Association’s “Stress in America” 2020 survey found that one in five adults believe their mental health is worse now compared to the previous year. Instead of leaving this stress untreated, consider dedicating at least […]
For some people, physical touch is not considered to be good for mental health. They may view it as others invading their space or feel vulnerable when someone gets too close to them. However, consensual physical touch has numerous benefits for mental health that many individuals are unaware of. By learning about these benefits, you […]
Anxiety or depression can negatively impact sleep. If you find it hard to fall asleep or have a hard time getting out of bed, you might benefit from relaxation techniques like nightly affirmations to help put your mind at ease before bedtime. Nightly affirmations can increase your focus, quiet your mind and make you less […]
On March 11, 2020, Suzanne Rybak admitted her son, Jameson, to the emergency room to treat his opioid addiction. While the emergency room gave Jameson medication to treat his withdrawal symptoms, they failed to secure continuing care for him at an inpatient facility, causing him to leave the hospital with no plan on how to […]
Recovering from addiction requires numerous changes in your life. Some are easier than others, but all are necessary if you wish to sustain long-term sobriety. One of the hardest things people in recovery experience is letting go of friendships that no longer serve them. For many in recovery, success means prioritizing sobriety over everything else […]
Bipolar disorder cannot be cured, but those who suffer from it can learn to manage their symptoms and live happy, healthy, normal lives. Managing symptoms becomes second nature, with many people following a routine to ensure they cope well. However, what do you do on the bad days? It is much more challenging to follow […]
Alcohol can have deadly effects on the body that can be irreversible if a person doesn’t seek treatment. Alcohol is said to be responsible for one in 20 deaths around the world. A new study published in the journal Lancet Oncology titled “Global Burden of Cancer in 2020 Attributable to Alcohol Consumption: A Population-Based Study” […]