Eating a healthy diet is a great way to fill your body with essential nutrients that it has lacked over the years. A study in Science Advances says that the trendy keto diet can be a potential tool for helping treat alcohol use disorder. The keto diet has the potential to suppress withdrawal symptoms and, […]
Author Archives: Alta Loma
Support from the people closest to you is crucial for long-lasting, successful recovery. This is why having an unsupportive family can have such a significant impact on your recovery journey. You may feel disappointed in their unwillingness to support you because their approval helps validate your choices. However, it is vital to understand that you […]
Due to inaccurate and harmful portrayals of bipolar disorder in the media, numerous misconceptions are believed by the general public. These misconceptions can lead to overarching stigma and misunderstanding, which can be detrimental to individuals with bipolar disorder. Alta Loma Transformational Services hopes to debunk common myths and misconceptions to help others better understand this […]
Many people with schizophrenia have trouble going to sleep. A new study featured in The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry showed that insomnia in schizophrenia patients could increase suicidal thoughts and actions and increase depression and anxiety. This study shows how important it is for those with schizophrenia to get plenty of sleep as it is crucial […]
Recovery is an opportunity to start over and make your life what you always dreamed it would be. However, you may be skeptical while navigating this process because you don’t trust yourself. After all, how can you trust your gut when it led you down the path of addiction? Learning how to make the right […]
When you are recovering from addiction, it is imperative to be around positive influences that are supportive of your recovery. However, you will likely come across negative people from time to time who have a negative impact on your recovery. These encounters can be threatening to your sobriety if they have a profound effect on […]
Being a parent is a daunting task as you guide your little human along the extensive journey of life. However, you may be more worried about this process if you struggle with a mental health disorder. You may worry that it will affect your parenting and relationship with your child or pass down and cause […]
Someone struggling with suicidal thoughts can be very good at hiding them because they do not want to reveal their vulnerability. It is hard to survive these painful thoughts if you do not reach out for support. Mental health experts in Parade have broken the stigma of mental health by speaking about what we need […]