Author Archives: Alta Loma

Men and Body Image: Effects and Healing

Despite common stereotypes that only women struggle with body image, many men also struggle with how they see their bodies. Due to the lack of information on male body image, many end up with negative impacts on their life due to not knowing how to cope and heal properly. Men worry about looking masculine, such […]

How is a Year of Too Much Drinking, Sitting, and Stress Bad For Your Body?

staying home during the pandemic

This pandemic has created new routines for us during the year as we stay at home. People may be drinking more, not being as active anymore, and not socializing. By keeping in mind all of the unhealthy habits you have developed during this past year, you have the power to use healthy coping methods to […]

How Anxiety Symptoms Appear in Men

Because of rampant societal stigmas surrounding men and mental health, many individuals do not know how to spot specific symptoms in men. This is especially true for anxiety, as many men display some unique symptoms when experiencing anxiety that can be taken as general personality characteristics. Understanding how men show anxiety can help get the […]

Can How You Dress When Staying Home Affect Your Mood?

how you dress at home

Staying at home during the COVID-19 pandemic may mean that you spend more time in your pajamas or wearing sweatshirts while you do your online work. Psychologists believe that the way we dress when we are not presenting ourselves to the public makes a difference in our mental health and productivity. Making the effort to […]

How Can Data on Student Moods Help with Mental Health Interventions?

mood tracking in school

There are many pressures with being a good student such as getting good grades and being accepted by peers. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the American Psychological Association says that 15%-20% of students needed mental health support. Those numbers will increase as a result of virtual learning as well as the uncertainty of the world. When […]

Why Do Teens with a Mental Health Disorder Benefit with Friends at School?

teenagers and their friends at school

One in five teenagers has symptoms of a mental health disorder like anxiety or depression, with suicide being the second leading cause of death for teens. Three-quarters of parents in a new national poll believe that peers have a better understanding of teen challenges compared to teachers or school counselors. When teens speak to their peers […]

Antidepressants and Rehab: A Good Mix?

Many individuals who struggle with depression and anxiety often use antidepressants to relieve their symptoms. These medications can provide genuine relief when used combined with other treatment techniques. However, for those recovering from addiction, using antidepressants can lead to further complications within the treatment. Your personal needs and the facility you are receiving treatment from […]

What are Ways to Manage Bipolar Disorder During the Pandemic?

bipolar disorder during COVID-19

Having bipolar disorder means living with the challenges of managing your triggers so you do not have dramatic mood changes. Some people may be prone to manic episodes where they feel excited, angry, or energized, whereas others experience more depressive episodes. To help yourself with bipolar triggers during one of the most stressful times in […]

Making Positive Choices in Addiction Recovery

positive choices in recovery

Recovery is something that you will continuously have to work at every day to maintain. Every decision you make will play into whether you stay sober; this means you must know how to make positive choices to continue living a happy, healthy, and sober life. Over time, making positive choices will become a habit, but […]

What are the Best Ways to Stop Anxious Thoughts in Their Tracks?

stopping anxious thoughts

Anxiety feels like a threat to our emotional, physical, or mental safety in the world. When our anxious thoughts put us in distress, it can make it hard for us to problem-solve effectively, affect us physically, withdraw us socially, and feel exhausted and confused in the end. It is important to remember with anxiety that […]