Patients may be afraid to tell their doctors that they used marijuana the night before their surgeries, for fear of being judged. However, it’s important to let your doctor know about your marijuana use, as it affects the use of anesthesia and how you recover. By seeking treatment for chronic marijuana use, you will not […]
Author Archives: Alta Loma
Perhaps you’re at a party and see someone who is out of it from drinking too much alcohol. That person is at risk of injuring themselves if they succumb to alcohol poisoning or choke on their vomit while they’re sleeping. Ensuring the safety of someone who is intoxicated can allow you to support them towards […]
Parenting involves being physically and mentally present in your child’s life. Drugs and alcohol can affect your parenting performance by making you more on edge or too sick to remember your child as they grow up. Learning about how substances can negatively influence your parenting is an important preventative measure. Chances are, once you realize […]
An infant may not know how to walk or talk yet, but that does not mean that their mental health is spared. The interactions that parents have with their children can affect their emotional stability as they grow up. Parents must create a stable environment and watch out for signs of mental health issues in […]
Addiction is known to cause several problems within your own life, but what you may not realize during active addiction is how it has affected the ones you love. Now that you are in recovery and working on yourself, it is also essential to recognize how your addiction has impacted those closest to you, including […]
The COVID-19 pandemic has been very taxing on people’s mental health. Many have been feeling more stressed and more anxious than usual as the result of living in isolation and wondering what the future will hold. Amidst the economic crisis and shutdowns, EcoWatch has found that people are finding surprising ways to care for their […]
With COVID-19, there have been changes among those who had pre-existing anxiety. While some people’s anxiety has worsened in 2020 as a result of the pandemic, others have reported a measured improvement. When asked by the Huffington Post, people with anxiety explained that the pandemic has allowed them to slow down and focus more on […]
Everyone has had bad days in their recovery where they feel down, hopeless, and like they can’t continue. These days can feel debilitating and as though life is out to get you. However, while bad days are unpleasant, they are crucial to your recovery because they build your strength. The good days will motivate you […]
There has been an increase in anxiety and depression lately because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Luckily, instead of relying on a job, a political leader, or any other external influence to make you happy, you can learn to be responsible for your own internal happiness. A great way to maintain a sense of happiness and […]
Body image and body dysmorphia in men tend to be a neglected area of research, as these issues are more common in women. Men think that they need to be tall, lean and muscular, have a large penis, and a full head of hair. It is important for men to be confident about the way […]