Author Archives: Alta Loma

How Can You Prevent Post-Vacation Blues?

Vacation Blues

If you recently returned from vacation, chances are that you had a good time. Unfortunately, as soon as you open the door to your home, you may get a persistent feeling of depression. By paying attention to what is causing your post-vacation blues, you can recover from them and reinvent your life.  Reasons We Get […]

The Effects of Trauma and Mental Health


Trauma can have an impact on your mental health. You may have difficulty in many areas of your life due to past traumatic experiences. Trauma can be from one incident, longer episodes of abuse or neglect, or complex traumas, which can be from a long series of traumatic experiences. When you experience a traumatic event, […]

The Importance of Medication Management in Recovery


Medications may be part of your treatment program in recovery from mental illness and addiction. You may be taking medications for a variety of reasons, such as depression, anxiety, mood stabilization, anti-psychotics, or others. When you are not taking prescribed medications consistently, you might be negatively impacting your ability to heal and recover.  Make sure […]

Which Instagram Accounts Can I Follow For Mental Health Tips?


Instagram is a great social media app that you can use to not only post your own pictures and videos but find sources of inspiration from other people, as well. There are mental health organizations that regularly post advice and resources to help you with your mental health journey. Mental health Instagram accounts teach us […]

What Are the Causes of Developing Bipolar Disorder?


Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that affects children, teens, and adults who have their share of depressive and manic episodes. It can include symptoms like having no urge to sleep, increased rate of speech, rapid ideas, getting distracted, and impulsive behaviors. While experts do not know what causes bipolar disorder, research suggests there are […]

Tips for Dealing With Stress and Anxiety


Stress and anxiety can impact both your mental and physical health. You might be able to manage your feelings of stress and anxiety by tapping into your physical body. Your mind and body are connected. When you feel good, you usually feel good all over. You feel happiness in your thoughts and mind as well […]

Should TikTok Therapy Be Trusted?


A traditional form of therapy would involve hour-long counseling sessions in an office setting. In the 21st century, and during the COVID-19 pandemic, people are resorting to more accessible ways of therapy, like a 60-second video from a licensed therapist on TikTok.  #TherapistsOfTikTok #TherapistsOfTikTok is a hashtag on short clips featured on the popular app, […]

Recreational Therapy to Bring Energy to Your Treatment

Recreational Therapy

Treatment for mental health and addiction can involve multiple activities and approaches. Some alternatives that can supplement your treatment can be fun! Recreational therapy and other activities can give a boost to your recovery and energize your life. You can benefit from implementing recreational therapy into your treatment.  The Benefits of Recreation Here are some […]

Tips for Combating Seasonal Affective Disorder


The days get shorter and the nights get longer during the autumn and winter months. We spend less time in the sun and more time in the dark. Our bodies respond to this seasonal change by becoming less active than we usually would. However, life does not work like this. Many of us have jobs […]

What Are Important Questions You Should Ask Your Friend About Their Mental Health?


You may notice that your friend appears anxious or has been depressed lately. If you can see there is something different about them that is making you concerned, do not ignore it. Asking your friends questions about their mental illness symptoms will present the opportunity to talk and show that you care. How Are You? […]