Mental illness can affect a person’s physical health, compounding their problems. Someone dealing with a mental illness might not realize that some of the physical symptoms they experience may be tied together. Symptoms can include jaw pain, chronic pain, blotchy skin and excessive sweating. Mental Illness Can Cause Weight to Fluctuate The National Institute of […]
Author Archives: Alta Loma
A parent is supposed to be the person in your life who sets an example of how to live and guides you. What about when you have a parent who suffers from addiction or alcoholism? Dealing with this can cause a lot of difficult emotions in a child, including anger, resentment, confusion, and fear for […]
With no answers as to when the COVID-19 pandemic will end, many people are experiencing anger and stress with few options to relieve these emotions. Learning how to integrate healthy coping skills into our lives will help us through the pandemic and beyond. The Henley Leadership Group developed an Integrative Enneagram test to reveal unconscious […]
When restaurants and bars began closing down this past spring, it put a cramp in a lot of people’s social lives. Now that these public gathering places are reopening, people who struggle with abuse of or dependence on alcohol face a dilemma. While being confined to being at home does not guarantee a person won’t […]
The pandemic has changed education for everybody. Zoom sessions and online learning have taken the place of in-person classes and the social structure that accompanies them. The promise of return to “normalcy” in September provided both students and parents with hope. Then, it was announced that schools would continue with virtual learning as the spread […]
A tough question a growing number of people have been asking themselves lately is this: Is it Coronavirus or anxiety? It’s actually a two-fold question, relating to both mental and physical health. Regular Anxiety vs. Coronavirus Anxiety The first concern many people are dealing with is whether or not they are having a so-called “normal” […]
Stress can cause you to behave in ways you would otherwise find unacceptable. According to the journal Family Process, data suggests that Americans are having virtual affairs in response to the stress and isolation caused by the COVID-19. Learning how to manage anxiety before it gets out of hand can help to keep you and […]
The National Institute of Health reports that studies show treating depression with music therapy provides beneficial effects. When music therapy is coupled with regular treatment, symptoms of depression often show improvement. It can decrease anxiety levels, as well as improve a person’s ability to function at work, in daily activities, and in relationships with others. […]
When Broadway star Brandon Leffler discovered dance he found his passion. Unfortunately, the demanding life of theater led him down a spiraling path of alcohol and substance addiction that almost cost him his dream. By going into addiction recovery, Brandon Leffler returned to sweeping people off their feet with his talent, that was now fueled […]
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health diagnosis related to a person’s difficulty in recovering from a traumatizing event they experienced or witnessed. PTSD triggers are common side effects, including those brought on by certain sights, sounds, smells, thoughts, tastes and touches. These triggers remind the person of the traumatic event that occurred, often […]