Author Archives: Alta Loma

Can Spending Time on Your Smartphone Increase Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression?

A 2017 study conducted by psychologist Dr. Jon Elhai reveals a correlational relationship between frequent smartphone use and depression, anxiety, and stress, meaning either the symptoms of a mental health disorder cause increased usage or smartphone exposure increases these symptoms. Whether smartphones are a coping mechanism or a catalyst, spending too much time on them […]

Learn to Manage Necessary Stressors in Your Life

Learn to Manage Necessary Stressors in Your Life

Stepping away from stress to focus on recovery indicates dedication and maturity in individuals with substance use disorder (SUD). Some stresses, however, are unavoidable–financial troubles, small relationship spats, and other emotional strains happen every day. You are strong, confident, and capable of overcoming any challenges to your mental health. When confronted with unexpected stress, draw […]

How Should Schools Handle Illegal Substance Addiction in Students?

The CDC reports that by 12th grade, approximately 60% of students have tried alcohol and that young people aged between 10 and 20 consume about one-tenth of alcohol sales in the country. Additionally, about half of high school students reported using marijuana, and one-fifth of high school seniors have used prescription medication without a prescription. […]

Signs of SUD in Your Children and How to Recognize Them

Signs of SUD in Your Children and How to Recognize Them

Substance abuse in adolescents can hinder physical and social development, increase the risk of mental health disorders, and lead to dangerous or reckless behaviors such as engaging in unprotected sexual activity, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Studies report that “the earlier teens start using substances, the greater their chances of continuing to […]

National Recovery Month: Addiction By The Numbers


In the United States, more than 63 million adults lived with a substance use disorder or mental illness in the last year alone. A closer look at these staggering numbers shows that 20 million people were dealing with a substance use disorder, while 43 million struggled with their mental health. Out of the 328 million […]

When Does Casual Drinking Become an Addiction?

When Does Casual Drinking Become an Addiction?

A friend or family member can enjoy regular alcoholic beverages without developing an alcohol addiction; however, if that person begins to display abnormal behavior and engage in more frequent drinking, they may be showing signs of early addiction. Know the signs of addiction and appropriate strategies to approach this person with your concerns. Signs of […]

Learning Life Skills Outside of Your Treatment Center

Learning Life Skills Outside of Your Treatment Center

Your recovery support system will instill you with invaluable life skills such as stress management or mechanisms to cope with a crisis, but you may not get the guidance you need to complete daily activities like cooking or paying bills in therapy or group meetings. As you transition from recovery to living outside the treatment […]

How Do I Confront Fears of Relapse?

How Do Men Cope with Grief and Loss

Recent studies show that the overwhelming majority—approximately 85%—of people in recovery from substance addiction will relapse within the first year. This statistic should not discourage your efforts to adhere strongly to your recovery plan, but it should bring comfort to know that the community in recovery shares your fears of relapse and may be able […]

Options for Funding Treatment for Substance Use Disorder

Options for Funding Treatment for Substance Use Disorder

Enrollment in a rehabilitation program is the most effective early treatment strategy for individuals struggling with a substance or alcohol use disorder, but these programs can be expensive. American Addiction Centers reports that less than 2% of the 17 million Americans diagnosed with an alcohol use disorder (AUD) in 2014 received treatment and only 1% […]

How Can I Redesign My Home to Make It More Positive?

How Can I Redesign My Home to Make It More Positive?

The excitement of initiating your recovery journey is pervasive. Now that you’ve decided to seek treatment for substance abuse, you’re ready for some more changes in your social circles, workspace, and your own home. Wanting to reinvigorate the environments you inhabit shows optimism that will benefit you as you progress through recovery. Keep that spirit […]