Relapse is an incredibly scary part of recovery that most people fear because they’re afraid it means they have failed. While nobody enjoys taking a few steps forward just to take a few steps back, the reality is that relapse can provide some valuable insights. For example, relapse can show a person what cues are […]
Author Archives: Alta Loma
Have you ever heard a song that made you cry? Or sang at the top of your lungs to a favorite song and instantly felt better? Human beings are wired to tune into sound and rhythm, and songs can have such a profound impact on the human psyche that they actually alter our mood and […]
If you’ve recently completed a treatment program at Alta Loma – congratulations! This is an exciting time for you to begin creating a new life that fits your mental, physical and spiritual needs. You’ve been working incredibly hard to get to where you are today. It’s exciting to think of all the possibilities once treatment […]
Addiction recovery involves a lot of ups and downs that can sometimes feel challenging to push through – especially if you are also battling with mental illness, such as anxiety and depression, or even just having a stressful day. Life in recovery is often a roller coaster, with soaring highs that are followed just as […]
One of the hardest parts of living with someone who struggles with addiction is that change doesn’t come easy. The way that addiction affects the inner workings of the brain makes it incredibly difficult to overcome. The person in question likely has little control over realizing that they have a problem to begin with – […]
Whether we realize it at the time or not, addiction truly does throw our body and mind out of balance. Our lives become chaotic and unmanageable at times – and once the ball has started rolling, it can be impossible to get back on track. We may fail to follow through with our responsibilities, struggle […]
Perhaps the Beatles said it best – “I get by with a little help from my friends.” Letting go of toxic, unhealthy relationships is an important part of recovery. But learning how to let new people into our lives who can help make us better is equally important – and sometimes it’s easier said than […]
It’s been said that a friend is a gift we give ourselves. Before seeking treatment, your past support system may have been quite unhealthy. You likely spent time with individuals who encouraged your substance use, and felt more comfortable being around people who didn’t necessarily want you to seek out sobriety. Developing new friendships in […]
Sometimes addiction provides us with a circle of people to spend time with, but they’re not necessarily what’s best for us. They may stick around when we’re up for partying – but quickly fade away from the scene once sobriety is sought. One of the more challenging aspects of recovery is learning to let go […]
When we experience anxiety, we often go through a number of physical symptoms – headaches, nausea, rapid heartbeat, shakiness, dizziness, paranoia, and more. When anxiety hits, it can truly feel like you’re having a heart attack. People in addiction recovery often struggle with anxiety for a number of reasons. Multiple studies have found that about […]