Author Archives: Alta Loma

Addiction in the LBGTQ Community


The LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning) community is at higher risk for substance abuse than the heterosexual population. This risk is due to issues surrounding homosexuality in the United States. Consequently, the LGBTQ community is at a higher risk of having mental health disorders that lead to substance abuse and addiction.    Contributing factors […]

Effects of Addiction on Family

family affected by addiction

Addiction impacts the entire family. Substance abuse co-occurring with psychiatric disorders can make matters even worse, taking a toll on everyone involved.    Substance abuse affects the family unit emotionally and financially, destroying relationships once central to the addict’s life.   Emotional Impact Family members experience emotions ranging from guilt and embarrassment to confusion, denial, […]

How Do We Redefine Fun In Recovery?

|How Do We Redefine Fun In Recovery?

Living with undiagnosed and untreated mental health issues, or experiencing severe substance abuse without any support, can cause severe internal and external confusion.    Our bodies and minds can confuse chaos with the feeling of being alive. We confuse drama and intensity for real adventure and excitement. We suffer swings of serious depression or ecstasy […]

How Do We Rebuild Relationships in Recovery?

How Do We Rebuild Relationships in Recovery?

The struggle with mental health and addiction can leave our lives in chaos and uncertainty. In addition to our own experience and feelings of sadness and depression, this struggle can profoundly impact our loved ones, families, and friends. Once we commit to recovery, it can be challenging and painful to reflect on the damage we […]

The Power of Nature in Recovery

The Power of Nature in Recovery

While being in nature benefits everyone, it’s essential for people in recovery. Being in nature allows people to unplug and disconnect from their typical environment. Mental health disorders and addiction frequently occur together, and getting back to nature is a helpful addition to any treatment program. People use substances to cope with suffering and underlying […]

Self Compassion: How Can I Help My Son Love Himself Through His Recovery?

How Can I Help My Son Love Himself Through His Recovery?

Practicing self-compassion does not come easily. Addicts and people in recovery experience self-loathing and negative feelings towards themselves. Guilt, shame, and feeling like a failure or disappointment are persistent thoughts in the mind of an addict. Abusing drugs and alcohol becomes a means to cope with and manage these feelings, as well as any pain […]

In Addiction Recovery, How Is Pain Managed?

In Addiction Recovery

A lot of medications used to treat pain and ADHD are habit-forming and have the potential for substance abuse. How can discomfort due to injuries and pain be managed without increasing the risk of relapsing? Pain management and care is the most common reason people seek medical attention. For people in recovery, the risk of […]