Author Archives: Alta Loma

A Mother’s Perspective

A Mother's Perspective

Mothers feel an immense need to protect and help their children. Watching your son or daughter disappear and spiral downwards due to mental health issues and substance abuse is an incredibly painful experience. You may feel overwhelmed by guilt, anger, and complete helplessness.    Observed behaviors: Personality: Changes in your child’s personality are one of […]

Addiction and the Teenage Brain: How will drugs impact my teenage son?

Addiction and the Teenage Brain: How will drugs impact my teenage son?

Teens are at a higher risk for developing an addiction to drugs and alcohol due to brain development. The adolescent brain is still under construction and won’t be complete until about twenty-five years of age. Consequently, teens are more likely to have problems with substance abuse and addiction than older adults because of their lack […]

The Importance of Pride, Forgiveness, and Self-Love

The Importance of Pride

 Life in recovery is often liberating, joyous, and brings much-needed peace. But in addition to these positive and affirming feelings, many others may come with it. When considering past behavior, actions, and time wasted, there may be self-loathing or humiliation. But these feelings of self-resentment are a trap, and work must be done to alleviate […]

How Do You Begin a Spiritual Path in Recovery?

How Do You Begin a Spiritual Path in Recovery?

Many of us have heard that spiritual healing is an integral part of recovery. But getting started can feel so daunting.  Do we need another person to guide us?  What if we haven’t practiced any “spiritual stuff”‘ before?  How do we know if we are doing it the “right” way? How do we even begin […]

The Basics of Drug Use and Addiction, or Substance Use Disorder

The Basics of Drug Use and Addiction

Addiction is a chronic and relapsing disease, which is characterized by drug-seeking behaviors. These compulsive behaviors continue to persist despite dangerous consequences. Furthermore, addiction leads to permanent changes within the brain. Addiction, or substance use disorder (SUD), is a mental illness and a multifaceted brain disorder.   Substance Use Disorders Impact Everyone SUDs may be […]

Competitive Attitudes Influence Drug Use While Apathetic Attitudes Are Protective Factors

Competitive Attitudes Influence Drug Use While Apathetic Attitudes Are Protective Factors

A new study recognizes that competitive and hostile people are more likely to use drugs or alcohol. Engaging in substance use depends upon risk factors like past life experiences, family history, and social environment. This study confirms that personality traits, such as competitiveness and aggression, are also risk factors for engaging in substance use. However, […]

Treating Compulsive Drinking: Why is Moderating Drinking Difficult for Some People and Not Others?

moderate drinking

A specific circuit in the brain may be able to be targeted to treat compulsive drinking habits, according to research. The journal of Biological Psychiatry reported that there might be dysfunction in a certain pathway within the brain that normally keeps drinking habits in line. This important discovery can impact the millions of adult’s battling […]

Not All Grief Involves Death: Grieving the Loss of a Significant Relationship

Not All Grief Involves Death: Grieving the Loss of a Significant Relationship

Most studies of grief focus on dealing with loss due to death and leave out grief experienced due to the loss of significant relationships. However, divorce, breakups, and cutting off major relationships can also lead one to experience the stages of grief.  The Stages of Grief The stages of grief are not simple steps. One […]

Teenage Anxiety May Lead to Harmful Drinking Later in Life

teenage drinking and anxiety

A study done by the University of Bristol and published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence found a relationship between the diagnosis of a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) at the age of 18 and harmful or heavy drinking among this population three years later. The research utilized data from a long-term health study named Children of […]

Triggers: Their Relationship to Psychological Issues and Addictions


People who endure traumatic events can experience issues when something in their environment triggers distressing memories associated with the event and their connected thoughts and emotions to these memories. Triggers may set off a re-memory, or flashback, that transports the individual back to the event of the original trauma.  What Are Triggers? Personally formed through […]