Why the Traits of Entrepreneurs Can Lead to Addiction and Mental Illness

Entrepreneurs have dreams of creating their own business and being their own bosses. Because entrepreneurs have their own traits like obsessive-compulsive behaviors and risk-taking behaviors, it can lead them at risk for addiction and mental illness. It is important for entrepreneurs to seek help for their addiction and mental illness so that they can run […]

Why Do People Feel the Need to Lie in Therapy?

There are people who feel the need to lie in therapy because they are afraid of being judged or criticized by their therapist. According to a study in Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 93% of patients have said they lie in therapy. A true therapist will never judge you as you are in therapy for a reason […]

What Are the Mental Health Effects of Surviving a Car Accident?

Being in a car accident can actually be a very traumatic experience. Some mental health symptoms can occur at the scene of the accident or days or weeks after. It is important to recognize these troubling feelings you are having after a car accident so that you can manage them. What is the Aftermath of […]

How Can Experiences with Opioids Affect Your Prescribing Choices As a Doctor?

Doctors are in charge of prescribing opioids to patients who are experiencing pain. This is also a factor in the ongoing opioid epidemic how patients are able to get hooked onto these drugs. Medical students who have past experiences with opioid addiction have the power to impact prescribing practices once they become a doctor. What […]

Addiction and Mental Health in Comedians

Great comedians like Chris Farley and Robin Williams have died from poor mental health and addiction. Comedians look happy as they are making other people laugh, but are still struggling on the inside. More comedians need to have the courage to seek help for their mental health to avoid turning to drugs for that help. […]

What is Important to Look For in a Partner When You Struggle with Depression?

Dating can be hard when you are struggling with depression. You feel very down on yourself and on life that it can be hard to present a positive attitude with your date. By looking for the qualities that you want in a new partner, you will know whether or not they can help support you […]

A Woman Becomes Sober After a Viral Photo of Herself Leaks

It is hard to see how you are when you are under the influence. Even if people tell you that you are not acting like yourself or do not like who you have become, you do not believe them. One woman saw a picture of herself overdosed that went viral which encouraged her to want […]

Why Are the Elderly at Risk For Suicide?

People may think that the elderly live relaxed lives now that they have retired. The Centers for Disease Control says that out of 85,000 people that took their lives in 2017, over 47,000 were ages 65 and older. By learning why the elderly are at risk for suicide, there is a higher chance for more […]