You may notice a tremor in your hands whenever you try to pick something up or when you are interacting with people. You have a hard time getting your hands to stop shaking which can make your anxiety symptoms worse. By learning what it is about your mental health that is causing you to shake, […]
Ever since July, Starbucks has opened 641 new stores in the U.S., leading Starbucks to hire many more new staff members. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that one in five adults ages 18 and older in 2016 struggled with mental illness. By having mental health benefits in the workplace, such as at […]
When we live by business schedules, we feel like doing nothing but sleeping in bed all day. Depression also has a way of making you not want to leave your room and face the world. By learning about what happens to your body when you never get up from bed, you will be motivated to […]
Going to the doctor can lead you with heavy anxiety symptoms like sweating, racing heart, and high blood pressure known as white coat syndrome. The longer you wait in that waiting room, the higher the chances can be that someone with anxiety avoids or delays the appointment out of fear. By having someone come with […]
Shopping addiction is when you tend to spend too much money at the mall or online that you end up in a financial hurdle with no clue how to stop. Part of the reason why shopping addiction is fueled is because of the advertisements to sales you do not want to miss. By being aware […]
Planning a wedding can be very stressful if you do not want to hire a wedding planner. It is one of the most important days of your life and you want to remember it forever. By not being afraid to ask for help and pacing yourself, your wedding will be a fun event to plan […]
Suicidal deaths are continuing to rise up. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 47,000 people died by suicide in 2017. By supporting organizations that are constantly looking for more preventative methods to stop suicide rates from rising, you are breaking the stigma of suicide prevention and doing something about it. […]
It is possible that you wanted to live by yourself in your new apartment because you wanted to achieve independence. It is not until the week has passed living in the new place that you realized just how depressed you have become because of your loneliness. By finding ways to occupy your time and keeping […]
It is normally said that when your child is born, it should be the greatest moment of your life. However, according to the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, new moms were examined 12 months after giving birth with 300 who died between 2010-2012 in California- with suicide being the seventh leading cause. By having […]
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention said that the U.S. suicide rates are the highest since World War II. In the workplace, it is said in a Forbes article that 270 U.S. employees killed themselves at work in 2013. It is important that the workplace, as well as employees, are aware of the signs […]