Why Do Professional Cyclists and Athletes Struggle with Mental Health?

Regaining Strength in Recovery Through Art Therapy

Professional cyclists are not immune to mental health issues, nor are professional athletes, in general. Depression and elite sport can take people by surprise. If they are elite athletes, they should be able to handle anything that gets thrown at them from injury to losing in competition and more. There is immense pressure on people […]

Where Men Can Go for Sober Fun This Summer

What Happens on Mushrooms?

When men are bored in recovery, interesting things can happen. Things that are good, and things that are not so good, but it is always better to veer towards the good. Getting outside is a great way to blow off some steam, expend energy, and just be in nature. If that’s not your thing, then […]

What is the Role of Cognitive Dissonance in Addiction?

What is the Role of Cognitive Dissonance in Addiction

Cognitive dissonance is a big psychology term, but it basically means a conflict between a person’s belief and the opposing desire for something. Conflict resolution in the mind looks a lot like wrestling with how to resolve the conflict in a peaceful way within the mind and have peace in the body. Learning to do […]

Why Anxiety Might Look Different for Men

Why Anxiety Might Look Different for Men

Anxiety expresses itself differently in men than women. It might look like isolation, or it might look like extreme frustration and worry. It can look like symptoms of OCD, obsessing over things or objects. There are many ways individuals can experience anxiety. Find out why the man in your life might have symptoms of anxiety […]

How Can You Deal with Peer Pressure and Stay Sober?

Any time friends, colleagues, or people in your friend group put pressure on you to do something, that is called peer pressure. Most of it is considered negative, high-risk behavior that might cause harm to yourself or others. This may include reckless driving, smoking, drinking, or using drugs. Teenagers are most prone to peer pressure, […]

Knowing the Difference Between Vaping and Smoking Matters

Why Do We Need Structure?

Men are not all prone to taking more risks when it comes to their health. Some things simply appeal to them or maybe marketing is directed more at them than women. Electronic cigarettes or e-cigs have seen a huge increase in popularity over smoking cigarettes. Both are still popular with young men but vaping is […]

What Does it Mean to Stay Balanced When Everything is Shifting?

What Does it Mean to Stay Balanced When Everything is Shifting?

Life can change a lot in an instant. No matter why the changes occur, it can be disconcerting to feel like the ground is shifting and everything you knew was gone. Sometimes the changes are small but when big ones come, they can throw you off your game and make you feel like nothing will […]

What Makes a Man High Risk for Addiction and How to Seek Help

What Makes a Man High Risk for Addiction and How to Seek Help

Men and women use substances and mental health issues can also plague both genders. Men are particularly high risk for addiction if they have certain conditions present. That does not mean they are going to be addicted to substances or experience mental health issues. It just means they are more likely to struggle and there […]

Why is Ghosting Painful and How Can You Cope Better?

Why is Ghosting Painful and How Can You Cope Better?

Ghosting can be a painful, excruciating experience for people who are cut off from someone they are connected to. It may be a friend, colleague, dating partner, or a long-time friend. Sometimes, even family can ghost someone after a while, with no contact or reason why. The reasons people just ‘disappear’ varies, but it can […]

How Do Men Cope with Grief and Loss?

How Do Men Cope with Grief and Loss

Loss happens to everyone at some point. Some people experience loss by going to therapy and working out the issues, turning inwards, or externalizing the stress and challenges of losing someone, a job, a relationship, or an actual person in their life who dies. Substance use is, also, unfortunately, common for people who experience loss. […]