Tolerance is defined by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) as, “A state in which an organism no longer responds to a drug; a higher dose is required to achieve the same effect.” All too often, tolerance begins to develop when a person doesn’t even realize it; they’ve begun using alcohol or other drugs […]
A few years ago, Dr. Glenn Sterner, writer for Independence Blue Cross Foundation (IBC), shared a common story that he’d heard of from a man he’d previously worked with: “I’ll always be a recovering addict, no matter what, you know what I mean? It’s going to follow me. But every day I feel, I guess […]
Celebrities such as Demi Lovato, Dennis Quaid, Simon Pegg and more have become much more open about addiction – and it’s all mainly been to help combat stigma. The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) explains that the language we’ve used in the past as a society has been incredibly harmful to people recovering. “Junkie”, […]
When we indulge in alcohol or other illicit drugs, we’re likely to experience a variety of symptoms – including euphoria. It’s that “rush” that many people chase after, but what is it about substances that gives them such a pleasurable feeling? One component of family and individual addiction recovery is exploring how drugs affect the […]
Last year, the Huffington Post covered the story of Demi Lovato – who released a song called “Sober”, which talks about her potential relapse and drug overdose. Relapse is incredibly common for people in recovery, but for those who are “outsiders” to this world, there begs the common question: Why do people relapse, and what […]
The support we receive while in recovery can make an incredible influence on the way we push forward. Friends, family and peers in our treatment program can motivate us to carry out recovery-related activities even on days we don’t feel like it – and these same groups can cheer us on as we navigate the […]
A few years ago, an article was published on The Conversation, a website that explores various topics as it relates to arts and culture, economy and business, health and medicine, and more; it was explained that recovery from trauma is different for everyone, because each person goes through their own battles and successes. In a […]
For many people in addiction recovery, trauma is an underlying commonality. For many of us, traumatic experiences – whether they be from an assault, an accident or a natural disaster – can have such a significant impact on our mental, physical and spiritual health that we rely on substances to numb the pain. Once in […]
Many substances can cause changes in perception and behavior, and those that cause paranoia are said to cause “substance induced psychosis”. When this occurs, both delusions and paranoia may take place; Mental Health America (MHA) defines paranoia as, “…Intense anxious or fearful feelings and thoughts often related to persecution, threat or conspiracy.” A person with […]
Pain. Anger. Sadness. These are just a few of the negative emotions that we all experience from time to time – but when times get hard, it feels almost unbearable – and that’s when many of us find ourselves reaching for alcohol or illicit drugs to numb the discomfort. It all happens so quickly, and […]