What Do Neuroscientists Do to Better Their Mental Health?

What Do Neuroscientists Do to Better Their Mental Health?

When we have to handle the responsibilities of school, family, work, and household responsibilities, this can make us feel mentally stressed and fatigued. We tend to forget that we are only human and we can only take on so much. According to Brain Health Central Blog’s article “Cognitive Neuroscientist Brain Health Mornings,” Patrick K. Porter […]

How Can a Daily Walking Routine Help the Mental Health of Senior Citizens?

How Can a Daily Walking Routine Help the Mental Health of Senior Citizens?

Many adults avoid exercising altogether because they are afraid of injuring themselves or feel “too old” to try. Walking is the best way to ease individuals back into a healthy lifestyle. No matter what age you are, increasing the amount of walking you do each week can provide you with a more positive mental health […]

What Are the Mental Health Effects of Incarceration?

What Are the Mental Health Effects of Incarceration?
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What Are Phrases to Avoid Saying to Someone With Depression?

What Are Phrases to Avoid Saying to Someone With Depression?

The World Health Organization states that more than 264 million people are struggling with depression worldwide. With such a prevalence, that means there is a good chance you may know someone struggling with this mental health disorder. If you are trying to comfort someone with depression, it is important to know what not to say […]

How Can the “Recency Effect” Bring About Anxiety and What Can Be Done?

How Can the “Recency Effect” Bring About Anxiety and What Can Be Done?

The recency effect is the psychological tendency to change your behavior due to memory of an event that has just occurred. Whether or not the event justifies a change in behavior, you give additional merit to a recent event over one that occurred further in the past. Knowing how the recency effect works, you can […]