How Can Thought Stopping Be Used to Ease Anxiety?

woman with dreadlocks covering her face with her hand|

Anxiety has a way of putting us in a bad mood when we have too many negative thoughts one after another. We are taught in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) that we can replace our negative self-talk with positive thoughts. Once you become aware of your thinking, you can stop your negative thoughts from taking over your […]

Why Depression Isn’t Just Sadness

woman in purple sweater sitting on wooden floor with view of lake and mountains|

When life doesn’t go your way, it’s normal to feel sad. Everyone feels sad from time to time, which is a good thing because no one would know what it’s like to experience joy without sadness. What’s more, individuals wouldn’t appreciate happiness and how it feels if sadness wasn’t a normal part of our lives. […]

What Do Neuroscientists Do to Better Their Mental Health?

What Do Neuroscientists Do to Better Their Mental Health?

When we have to handle the responsibilities of school, family, work, and household responsibilities, this can make us feel mentally stressed and fatigued. We tend to forget that we are only human and we can only take on so much. According to Brain Health Central Blog’s article “Cognitive Neuroscientist Brain Health Mornings,” Patrick K. Porter […]