Recovering Without Family Support

Complex Mental Conditions

Addiction is often called a “family disease” because it affects not only the person struggling but those closest to them as well. Unfortunately, because of the pain addiction often causes, many family members may choose to cut off the person struggling from their lives to protect their own well-being. This can be difficult for the […]

How PTSD Affects Men

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects individuals in various ways depending on what happened to them and how they process the trauma. However, there are differences between PTSD in men and women that can make navigating recovery difficult. By learning about how PTSD affects men specifically, those that are suffering can get the help they need […]

Why Rest Is a Productive Activity

American culture has placed a significant emphasis on the importance of working hard. Many individuals work Monday through Friday, eight hours a day, with little to no breaks. The weekend may seem like a break, but most people spend the time catching up on household chores such as cleaning, grocery shopping, and family time.    […]

The Link Between Depression and a Messy Room

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Why Relapse Does Not Erase Progress in Recovery

Maintaining sobriety for days, weeks, months, or years is a phenomenal achievement that you should be proud of. However, because addiction is a chronic disease, you will have to consistently work on your recovery throughout your life. Many people find themselves in challenging moments that result in a return to drugs and alcohol, known as […]

How to Approach Someone Who Has Hurt You

When someone you care about does something that hurts you, approaching a conversation with them can be awkward and challenging to navigate. Because of your relationship with the person, you want to approach the subject with delicacy if you wish to preserve the relationship. However, it is crucial to understand that what you allow from […]

What Morning Habits Can Reduce Anxiety?

You may have expectations of what your morning should look like, such as exercising, meditating, or even what foods you should eat. The truth is that you may suffer from anxiety if you feel like you are not carrying out your morning routine the way “experts” recommend. Maybe you frequently run out the door at […]

How to Overcome Trust Issues

Individuals that have struggled with addiction often have a difficult time trusting themselves and others. These trust issues can lead to further problems in recovery, which is why it is crucial to learn how to overcome them. Doing so can be hard to do, but you can discover ways to begin the process over time. […]

What Questions Should You Ask Your Therapist During Your First Session?

With the lengthy lockdown, loss of jobs, or learning how to work at home with the kids, anxiety and depression have seen a considerable surge due to the pandemic. If you have never seen a therapist before but are seeking treatment for the first time, you may not know what to expect or what to […]

The Benefits of CrossFit in Addiction Recovery

Exercise is a crucial piece of recovering from addiction because it keeps your body healthy, boosts your mood, gives you energy, and helps your body heal. For these reasons, treatment facilities across the country implement some kind of exercise within their daily schedule for patients to take advantage of. However, not everyone enjoys the same […]