Understanding Common Symptoms of Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is typically associated with delusions and hallucinations, but few understand what these are like to experience. The symptoms are often exaggerated, leading to further misunderstanding and even stigma associated with schizophrenia. There are also various other symptoms that many people do not realize are caused by schizophrenia. By taking a closer look at the […]

How Do I Know I Have Anxiety Over the Pandemic?

stressed out mad sitting

Anxiety stems from fear, and COVID-19 has created a pandemic of fear and anxiety for many people. Constantly receiving information and realizing we have little control over our actions in getting rid of this virus has been a struggle for people to manage. If you are over-correcting your behavior or having unhealthy thought patterns, there […]

Coping‌ ‌With‌ ‌Depression‌ ‌in‌ ‌Recovery‌

Many people believe that life in recovery will cure all of their concerns regarding addiction and mental health. However, it is crucial to understand that recovery teaches you how to manage symptoms since there is no cure. Some symptoms you are likely to deal with from time to time are those related to depression. On […]

Why Mental Health Disorders Don’t Make You Weak

One of the most common misconceptions surrounding mental health disorders is that they result from weaknesses or flaws within a person’s character. These beliefs are far from accurate and actually serve to harm those living with mental health conditions. The more stigma a person faces, the more likely they are to believe what others are […]

How Can I Confront Someone When My Anxiety Kicks In?

Some people have trouble confronting someone knowing it will bring them anxiety and dread, whether telling someone they need to put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher or letting someone know they hurt their feelings. Instead of dealing with these conversations head-on, some people prefer to put off these conversations or avoid them altogether. However, […]

How to Support a Friend in Recovery That Has Relapsed

Throughout your recovery journey, you will meet many individuals working hard to maintain their sobriety just like you. As you lean on each other for support and enjoy your time together, it is understandable to be shocked, heartbroken, or even disappointed when a fellow sober companion relapses. You may want to support them but are […]

How to Play the Tape Through for Relapse Prevention

When you are in recovery, there will be times you hit a low point and potentially think about throwing away your progress. There are numerous coping strategies to deal with these moments, but one of the most effective is “playing the tape through.” This may seem confusing at first, but learning how to do this […]

Coping With Unsupportive Family Members in Recovery

Support from the people closest to you is crucial for long-lasting, successful recovery. This is why having an unsupportive family can have such a significant impact on your recovery journey. You may feel disappointed in their unwillingness to support you because their approval helps validate your choices. However, it is vital to understand that you […]

Explaining Misconceptions About Bipolar Disorder

Due to inaccurate and harmful portrayals of bipolar disorder in the media, numerous misconceptions are believed by the general public. These misconceptions can lead to overarching stigma and misunderstanding, which can be detrimental to individuals with bipolar disorder. Alta Loma Transformational Services hopes to debunk common myths and misconceptions to help others better understand this […]