Learning to Let Go in Recovery

learning to let go

When you begin recovering from addiction, you must learn how to let go of your past life, past mistakes, and past ways of thinking. You must also let go of the way you think things should be in order to move forward. While letting go doesn’t mean you will be losing who you are as […]

How to Stop Overthinking in Recovery

are you drinking too much

While you are in recovery, you most likely have a lot on your mind. It is natural to have anxiety about your past and future, especially when your sobriety is at risk. However, having these rapid thoughts can place you in more jeopardy than you realize. Overthinking in recovery can lead you to relapse if […]

What Should You Do If Your Parent Enables Your Sibling’s Addiction?

It creates confusion for you when you see your sibling dealing with substance abuse and one of your parents is enabling your sibling’s addiction. Since these conversations can get very emotional,  you may feel the need to step aside for a moment when telling your parents how to better handle the situation. While it may […]

Recovery Burnout and How to Cope With It

recovery burnout

Recovery is hard work. If you ask anyone that is currently going through recovery at any stage, you will hear that it takes a lot of focus, determination, and resilience. There will be challenges that you need to overcome from time to time, and it is understandable to feel a sense of exhaustion or burnout […]

Is Texas’s New Opioid Misuse Prevention Website Helping Addiction?

Texas' new opioid misuse prevention website

Online drug abuse prevention resources have the power to educate anyone who has access to the internet. According to Kasey Strey, director of the Texas Targeted Opioid Response effort, one in five Texans have experienced an opioid overdose or know someone who has. The Texas Health and Human Services’ new website can give Texans the […]

Why You Shouldn’t Avoid Negative Emotions

facing negative emotions

Many try to avoid their negative emotions because they can make them feel depressed, anxious, worried, or stressed. However, while it may not be pleasant to feel these emotions, they are essential to experience both for your mental and physical health. Holding in negative emotions or avoiding them will only make them stronger, causing you […]

What is Important to Know About Alcohol and Blood Pressure?

alcohol and blood pressure

Untreated blood pressure can lead to a risk of heart attack and stroke. Alcoholic beverages are loaded with calories, sugar, and salt, which can cause obesity and weight gain over time. That is one contributing factor to hypertension, commonly referred to as high blood pressure. The American Heart Association says that quitting alcohol helps keep […]

How Recovery Helped Robert Downey Jr. Become a Real-Life Iron Man

watching Iron Man

Today, Robert Downey Jr. is one of the most popular and highest-paid actors in Hollywood. However, he wasn’t always the successful actor known around the world. For years, Downey Jr. spent time in and out of rehab, sober, relapsing, getting arrested, and repeating the cycle. As someone so visible in the public view, he has […]

How Can the Pleasurable Effects of Alcohol Predict Alcohol Use Disorder?

When you drink that first alcoholic beverage, you probably do not expect to make drinking a new habit despite the pleasurable effects it gives you. However, a new study showed that constantly experiencing the pleasurable effects of habitual drinking can make you more likely to develop alcohol use disorder. By going into treatment, you will […]

The Opioid Epidemic in Texas

opioid epidemic in Texas

The opioid epidemic has been evolving in the United States since the 1990s when increasing amounts of opioids were being prescribed to patients. Overdose deaths have been steadily rising as a result since 1999. However, each state has been affected differently and taken preventative measures to help slow the epidemic. In Texas, the Attorney General […]