Finding Stability in Early Recovery


Living life while struggling with addiction often has no stability. Addiction is great at uprooting your life and causing you to live in a way you cannot predict. This can lead to increased anxiety and decreased motivation in recovery. Having stability offers you a predictable life, for the most part. This is partly due to […]

What Are Effective Smoking Cessation Aids?

Nicotine Gum

Smoking cigarettes can be an unhealthy habit and often becomes an addiction in itself. Unfortunately, many negative conditions can develop as a result, including poor heart and lung functioning. If you want to stop, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has come up with several ways to help you on that journey. Using products to […]

What Should You Do if You Feel Bad After Your Therapy Session?

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Change Is Necessary for Addiction Recovery

Change can be challenging for anyone. Starting a new activity or moving to an unfamiliar environment requires a lot of emotional energy. Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone requires a certain amount of bravery. While it may be difficult at first, these tasks become easier to accomplish when an activity or behavior becomes routine. […]

How Are Patients Affected When Medical Staff Steals Medications to Feed Their Addiction?


Nurse Kristin Waite-Labott would have her co-workers cover for her when she stole fentanyl and morphine from her hospital’s medical supply cabinets. She eventually lost her job and spent time in jail before entertaining recovery and getting her nurse’s license back. It is important for addiction recovery to be taught in the medical field to […]

Why Should You Avoid Saying the Word “Addict?”


The word “addict” has been around since the 1500s and comes from the Latin word “addictus,” meaning “assigned, surrendered.” The way we talk about addiction is changing, which means that the word needs to change, as well. has recently updated the definition of “addict” in order to destigmatize people who are suffering from addiction.  […]

Reconnecting With Friends and Family During the Holidays


Due to the rise of COVID-19, you probably won’t be able to see friends and family face-to-face for the holidays this year. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate and reconnect with the people you care about. If you are in recovery from addiction to drugs or alcohol, you can use the holidays as an […]

How a Daily Schedule Can Help Your Addiction Recovery


Having an everyday schedule for yourself is a great tool to keep you focused on your journey to recovery from addiction. Having a daily schedule will give structure to your day, so you will have less room to second guess yourself or make impulsive decisions. When you create a schedule you can more clearly map […]

Ease Your Depression With Crafts


It’s getting closer to the holidays and you may be feeling depressed because you won’t be able to spend this holiday season with your family and friends. If you are finding yourself preoccupied by events that are out of your control, it is a good idea to keep your mind occupied in healthy ways that […]