Benefits of Exercise in Recovery

Benefits of Exercise in Recovery

Frequent exercise should be a part of everyone’s routine, regardless of their experiences with substance use. Staying active is especially beneficial to individuals recovering from SUD, however, because it keeps muscles healthy and internal processes regular. Whether it’s playing team sports, seeking outdoor activities, lifting at the gym, or walking around your neighborhood, exercise has […]

How Can You Overcome Anxiety From Wearing a Mask?

How Can You Overcome Anxiety From Wearing a Mask?

When we have a mask covering our nose and mouth, our bodies may react as if we were in danger. This can lead to panic attack-like responses such as hyperventilating, anxiety, or racing pulse. It is important to remember that anything new is scary at first, but your stress can be better controlled by remembering […]

Redefining Intimacy with a Partner During Recovery

Redefining Intimacy with a Partner during Recovery

Substance use disorders alter behavior, causing individuals to act in unusual and unexpected ways. Dramatic shifts in personality can strain a romantic relationship, causing partners to distance themselves from each other. With treatment, the adverse effects of long-term substance abuse can subside, and a familiar order may re-establish itself. However, the rift caused by the […]

How Can You Handle Anxiety Going Back to Work During COVID-19?

How Can You Handle Anxiety Going Back to Work During COVID-19?

With more businesses starting to open up, your days of staying at home may end. It is understandable if your anxiety levels skyrocket at the idea of going back to work while there is still an ongoing pandemic. While returning to work may make you feel anxious, you can take some safety precautions for your […]

Twins and Addiction

Twins and Addiction

For years, researchers have tried to determine the genetic causes of addiction and develop technologies or medications that diminish inherited predisposition to Substance Use Disorder (SUD). Often these researchers include sets of twins in their studies. Identical twins share 100% percent of their genes, while non-identical twins share 50% of their genes. Twins raised in […]

How Can You Have a Mental Health Day When Working at Home?

How Can You Have a Mental Health Day When Working at Home?

If you have been forced to work at home during these past few months, you may be feeling emotionally drained. While working from home, can you still take a mental health day? It is essential to provide yourself with a mental health day to re-energize and handle your home responsibilities. Why is it Important to […]

Addiction is Not Your Fault, but it is Your Responsibility

mental health

As you progress in recovery, you may reflect on your behavior while using substances and feel extreme guilt. Friends and family members may also share their negative experiences with you, letting you know how you acted and how those actions made them feel. Confronting negative behavior is unpleasant but necessary for your personal growth. Listen […]

How are People with Schizophrenia Affected By COVID-19?

How are People with Schizophrenia Affected By COVID-19?

People with schizophrenia are at increased risk of contracting COVID-19. Schizophrenic people tend to live in places like nursing homes, prisons, homeless shelters, or state mental hospitals. Unfortunately, these facilities are hotbeds for transmission of the COVID-19 virus. If you have schizophrenia, you must seek help with a mental health professional to know what to […]

Ways to Keep Busy During Recovery

Ways to Keep Busy during Recovery

Workplace stress can incite or increase symptoms of substance abuse disorders. For those who suffer work-related anxiety or depression, stepping away from the job to focus on recovery from substance abuse is a healthy choice. Without the time commitment of a full- or part-time job, however, they may find that they are frequently restless and […]

Why are People Experiencing Anxiety Over the Lockdown Ending?

Why are People Experiencing Anxiety Over the Lockdown Ending?

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to get used to living an introverted existence at home. As the world begins to re-open, you may be feeling very anxious about being surrounded by a lot of people, especially if COVID-19 is still going on. Take it slow and be patient with yourself; there’s no rush to […]