Low Self-Esteem or High Self-Esteem: How They Both Challenge Recovery

mental health

Contrary to popular belief, not all people with substance use disorders (SUDs) are plagued with low self-esteem. High self-esteem can cause its own unique set of problems when it comes to addiction recovery. Where Does Self-Esteem Come From? Self-esteem comes from experiences with people and activities. Childhood experiences play a huge factor. If you were […]

Don’t Let Fear of Failure Undermine Your Recovery

Don’t Let Fear of Failure Undermine Your Recovery

Recovery can be incredibly difficult to navigate at times. It’s particularly scary at the very beginning when you don’t know what to expect. Seeking treatment is a major change – and starting recovery can be nerve-racking, because we all crave what we’ve been used to. It’s also not uncommon for those in early recovery to […]

Can People in Recovery Ever Regain Their Self-Esteem?

Ways to Keep Busy during Recovery

They absolutely can – but it’s not always easy. Even when you achieve sobriety, feelings of self-doubt can still linger. Self-esteem is defined as a person’s overall sense of self-worth or personal value. In other words, it’s how much you appreciate or like yourself. When we drank and used substances, our self-esteem was very important […]

The Risks of Prescription Opioid Addiction

The Risks of Prescription Opioid Addiction

Every day across the United States, millions of Americans of all ages struggle with pain – whether it be from an accident, a critical health situation, a sports injury, or something else. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 50 million American adults experience chronic pain. That’s over 20% of […]

Can I Attend 12-Step Meetings Virtually?

Living Alone During Recovery

If you are currently in treatment or just got out, you may be wondering where and how to attend 12-Step meetings. Because of COVID-19, almost all 12-Step meetings have closed their doors. However, there is no reason to worry – plenty of 12-Step meetings are now available online. Find a Zoom Meeting Most meetings are […]

How Do I Return to Work After Recovery?

Healthy Ways to Reintegrate into Your Family's Lives

The first thing a person usually wants to do when they are newly sober and out of treatment is to find a job. Some are able to rely on loved ones or government assistance programs until they are truly ready. Others will have to go back to work right away. Interviewing and working while trying […]

Regaining Strength in Recovery Through Art Therapy

Regaining Strength in Recovery Through Art Therapy

One of the mysterious aspects of art therapy is how it allows us to get lost in our own world – while also helping us find ourselves at the same time. For decades, we’ve used a variety of artistic modalities to help us understand our perceptions of the world, even in unconventional ways. For many […]

What Does It Mean to Surrender in Recovery?

How Sugar Can Affect Your Mental Health

We hear the word “surrender” quite often. We hear it in our history classes when we learn about wars. We hear it in church when people talk about God. We also hear this term in regards to recovery. But how do you actually surrender, and what or who is it that you surrender to? The […]

Practicing Emotional Sobriety

Practicing Emotional Sobriety

Prior to recovery, most people with substance use disorders become quite adept at using drugs or alcohol to numb themselves from their emotions. Using helps protect them from feeling pain, heartbreak, fear, or disappointment – at least temporarily. That’s why a lot of people start using in the first place. Our addiction may help us […]

What’s the Difference Between Craving and Mental Obsession?

What’s the Difference Between Craving and Mental Obsession?

If you have ever been in treatment, you have probably heard the term “craving” before. It’s often said that we have a three-part disorder – mental obsession, spiritual malady, and the phenomenon of craving. The phenomenon of craving is the main distinction between those of us who have a substance use disorder (SUD) and those […]