Why Consider Long-Term Treatment?

Long-Term Treatment

One of the most common myths about recovery is that treatment is a “quick fix” or something that can be done over a few weeks or even a month and will “cure” a person’s mental health or addiction. While there may be some rare success stories that are fast, the reality is that recovery doesn’t […]

Living With Mental Illness: What Many Americans Experience

Researchers Develop a Mental Health Website for the LGBTQ2+ Community and Their Mental Healthcare Providers

Mental illness affects millions of people across the United States each year. While our society doesn’t talk about it as often – because it’s considered taboo – so many people can relate to the feelings of being depressed, anxious, paranoid, among other mental illness symptoms. The more that we understand mental illness and what it […]

How Can I Realize My Self-Worth in Recovery?


Before a person tends to seek out mental health or addiction recovery, they’re lost in this endless cycle of denial, cynicism, and habits that only seem to bring them down further. Alcohol and drugs have become a part of their norm and with this, it’s become easier to neglect serious aspects of mental and physical […]

The Effects of Media on Mental Illness in Society

What Is Mindfulness and How Can It Help Me?

As we’re growing up, we don’t fully realize just how powerful movies, television, and commercials are on our perceptions of ourselves and life as we know it. When it comes to mental illness specifically, there are a number of outlets that make those with mental illness appear to be “crazy,” “out of control,” “lonely,” or […]

How Can We Heal in Recovery?

How Can We Heal in Recovery?|Healing

One of the most challenging moments of recovery involves waking up and getting to know what life is without substances or mental health afflictions. At the beginning of our recovery journey, we could feel a bitter sense of emptiness at times. Sometimes it’s a specific life event or substance abuse that brings out that empty […]

Problems Families May Face While Their Loved One Seeks Treatment

How Does Sharing My Story Help Others?

When a loved one battles with substance abuse, it affects everyone around them. Grandparents may begin to take on more parental roles since that individual can no longer fulfill family responsibilities. Friends may fade away if they notice significant changes in that person. Not only does a person’s social network become affected, but so does […]

What Are the Benefits of Sober Living Homes?

Sober Living

When we talk about treatment for mental health and addiction recovery, sober living homes often enter the conversation a bit later. Nevertheless, they’re an incredibly important aspect of recovery that each person should consider for themselves. Sober living homes are defined as facilities used by those recovering from substance abuse that serve as a transitional […]

What Is Neuroticism?


We hear the term “neuroticism” used all the time, especially between friends, loved ones, and when discussing other people. What exactly does it mean? Why is it used so much, and is it being used correctly? Neuroticism is characterized by an individual’s tendency to experience negative emotions, particularly in response to stress. People who are […]

When the One You Love Doesn’t Want to Acknowledge a Mental Illness

When the One You Love Doesn’t Want to Acknowledge a Mental Illness|Acknowledge Mental Illness

There are some instances when our loved one’s symptoms are extremely noticeable and we can clearly see that they’re battling with a mental illness, but they may be in complete denial. Stigma and the fear of stigma are often what holds people back from facing the truth about dealing with a mental illness. If your […]

How Can Forgiveness Prevent Relapse?


Relapse is considered a very taboo subject for those in addiction recovery, often because nobody wants to associate themselves with that feeling of “going back,” “failing” or even the sense of “being weak.” Despite what you may have heard about relapse, it is a common occurrence for many of us in recovery. It can be […]