Focusing Your Anxiety


Understanding anxieties and learning to cope with them are massive undertakings. For some, the goal is to live alongside their anxiety using a healthy outlet, rather than seeing stress as a purely antagonistic force to be beaten and overcome.     While anxiety and panic seem all-encompassing in their overwhelming presence, they are much more than […]

How Do We Mentor and Lead Ourselves in Recovery?


The journey to health and wellness is dynamic, challenging, beautiful, and unique to every one of us. Many of us are blessed to have support systems, mental health professionals, or other recovery resources that empower and support us on this path. Still, our ability to navigate our own internal world is just as important as […]

Visualizing Addiction

visualizing addiction

People suffering from addiction never set out to become addicts.  Addiction is a process that happens over time, without a person’s conscious awareness. An individual doesn’t realize how many drinks they are having, cigarettes they are smoking, or drugs they are buying.  By the time an individual starts questioning if they may be addicted, the […]

Reaching Out to Someone With Depression

Depression can easily cut a person off from everyone in their lives, so providing help when they need it most can be difficult. The depressed individual may react very little when addressed or may be unresponsive to questions entirely. This does not mean that helping is futile, or that by trying to help, one is […]

Don’t Cheer Up

Yes, being happy is the ultimate goal here. Still, there is a difference between being happy in life and being happy at all times. Forcing a smile, or trying to “just cheer up” could actually be counterproductive to reaching the end goal kind of happiness. Not to mention, it’s just kind of annoying to hear.  […]

When Does Stress Become Anxiety?

stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety are two words that are commonly used as synonyms, completely interchangeable with each other. While the symptoms can appear to be the same, there are critical differences between the two that can help to identify the source of the symptoms and seek appropriate help.     The symptoms of stress are very similar […]

Breaking Free From Depression


Depression is more complicated than being sad. It is a full-scale assault on motivation and self-worth. It leads to a view of the world through an absolutely negative filter. It is absolutely crushing. Breaking through these feelings is a daunting task, but you can move past depressive episodes by following some simple steps.    Keep […]

Trauma and Substance Abuse: How Does Trauma Influence the Risk for Addiction?

Trauma and Substance Abuse: How Does Trauma Influence the Risk for Addiction?|Trauma and Substance Abuse: How Does Trauma Influence the Risk for Addiction?

Having concerns and questions about mental health disorders and their connection to addiction is valid. There is a link between trauma and substance abuse. Trauma impacts a person’s ability to cope with stress and suffering. Unbearable and unmanaged stress may lead to addiction as a person seeks to numb themselves and withstand the trauma. Their […]

The Curse of the Routine


“Humans are creatures of habit,” if the old adage is to be believed. Even the most absolutely spontaneous people still maintain relatively consistent bedtimes, morning routines, and daily rituals. These routines help to organize not only each passing day but all of the shooting thoughts that pass through our minds. For people suffering from anxiety […]