Not All Grief Involves Death: Grieving the Loss of a Significant Relationship

Not All Grief Involves Death: Grieving the Loss of a Significant Relationship

Most studies of grief focus on dealing with loss due to death and leave out grief experienced due to the loss of significant relationships. However, divorce, breakups, and cutting off major relationships can also lead one to experience the stages of grief.  The Stages of Grief The stages of grief are not simple steps. One […]

Teenage Anxiety May Lead to Harmful Drinking Later in Life

teenage drinking and anxiety

A study done by the University of Bristol and published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence found a relationship between the diagnosis of a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) at the age of 18 and harmful or heavy drinking among this population three years later. The research utilized data from a long-term health study named Children of […]

Triggers: Their Relationship to Psychological Issues and Addictions


People who endure traumatic events can experience issues when something in their environment triggers distressing memories associated with the event and their connected thoughts and emotions to these memories. Triggers may set off a re-memory, or flashback, that transports the individual back to the event of the original trauma.  What Are Triggers? Personally formed through […]

What is Social Anxiety Disorder?

social anxiety disorder

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia, is a complicated and multifaceted mental health condition. It is not just being shy, and instead involves: Avoidance of meeting new people Inability to leave one’s house for fear of communicating with others Turning down offers for social […]

Opioids and Veterans

Opioids and Veterans

Veterans are a population of Americans at risk for substance use disorders (SUDs) due to their substantial susceptibility to having chronic pain and psychological issues. More than 50% of all veterans receiving care from the Veterans Health Administration experience chronic pain, compared to 30% of all Americans reporting chronic pain. The difference between veterans and […]

How Does Journaling for Recovery Impact Your Health?

journaling in recovery

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recognizes how journaling positively impacts one’s health. Journaling helps people in a variety of ways, including keeping a food and activity diary for those individuals dealing with diabetes or other physical diseases dependent upon diet and exercise. Furthermore, keeping a diary allows one to pinpoint reasons for […]

How Can Finding a Career and Financial Success Cause Stress in Early Recovery?

employment during early recovery

Employment is a goal for everyone in society. We want to contribute, to earn a living, and to be successful. However, during early recovery, finding employment, maintaining a career, and achieving financial success may become a difficult and frustrating journey. Unfortunately, these feelings of angst and adversity may lead to a relapse or return to […]

Opioid Use Hospitalization Rates Higher for People With Common Musculoskeletal Diseases


Opioid use disorder (OUD) is ravaging the United States at epidemic levels. Increases in mortality rates related to this disease are also occurring. There is inadequate data on the rate of OUD-related hospitalizations of people dealing with musculoskeletal diseases. New research examines these hospitalizations and explores the relationship between OUD and musculoskeletal conditions. The Study […]

Deviating Trends: Declines in Binge Drinking Are Occurring While Rates of Depression Are Increasing

binge drinking and depression

A study out of Columbia University found that between the years 1991 and 2018, binge drinking behaviors declined among American adolescents. Conversely, depression rates severely increased for this population since the year 2012. Therefore, binge drinking and depression among adolescents are no longer associated trends. The research used data pulled from surveys between 1991 and […]

How Can I Avoid Feelings of Guilt and Shame Related to Addiction?

How Can I Avoid Feelings of Guilt and Shame Related to Addiction?

When someone is dealing with a substance use disorder (SUD), they engage in activities and exhibit actions that they would not do if sober. They may hurt the people they most care about, engage in manipulation tactics, lie and deceive, and break the law. Once an individual enters recovery from a SUD and maintains sobriety […]