The Relationship Between Opioids and Suicide: Not as Close as We Once Thought

The Relationship Between Opioids and Suicide|The Relationship Between Opioids and Suicide

Estimates used to be that suicide accounted for almost one-third of all opioid-related overdose deaths. However, new research found that suicide accounted for only 4% of opioid-related deaths. The study utilized 17 years of data, between 2000 and 2017, to figure out the prevalence of unintentional, suicidal, or unspecified deaths related to opioid use. The […]

The Necessity of a Cultural Shift: How Can Psychological Interventions Prevent Opioid Misuse?

The necessity of a culture shift

Although psychological-based interventions and treatments prove extremely helpful for preventing opioid misuse, as evidenced by numerous studies and extensive research, widespread implementation of these treatments requires a large cultural shift towards a biopsychosocial model of treatment. The biopsychosocial model is a way to understand health and illness through biological, psychological, and social aspects. This multifaceted […]

How are Substance Use Disorders Categorized?

How are substance use disorders categorized?

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) describes addiction as compulsive drug-seeking regardless of harmful consequences to oneself or others. However, addiction is not a particular diagnosis included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).    What is the DSM-5? The DSM-5 is the classification and diagnostic tool published by the American […]

Fentanyl: Another Part of America’s Opioid Crisis

Fentanyl and America's Opioid Crisis

Opioid overdoses account for over 400,000 deaths between 1999 and 2018. Current statistics indicate that over 100 Americans die every day due to an opioid overdose. Fentanyl is a synthetic or artificially produced opioid available in the US. It is also the drug responsible for over 30,000 overdose deaths in 2018. Fentanyl came about in […]

Can a Sibling Replace a Parent?

parents|Can a sibling replace a parent?

Substance use disorders (SUDs) within families affect everyone. According to the Child Welfare Information Gateway website, children’s needs must be met and enacted by parents. In the case of parents with SUDs, these needs may not be their main priority, as the substance itself becomes the main source of importance to them.  Who Is Responsible […]

Heavy Drinking May Damage Heart Tissue: New Research Supports the Negative Effects of Drinking

Heavy Drinking Affects Heart Tissue

New research published by the Journal of the American Heart Association recognizes that consistent heavy alcohol drinking leads to subsequent damage to the heart tissue. There is inadequate research on how alcohol consumption negatively affects heart health in particular, yet previous studies show that heavy drinking increases the risks of many health issues, such as:  […]

How Can a Commute Harm Your Mental Health?

It is hard to control what happens on your way to work. You could leave home very early to get to work and still deal with the stress that traffic brings you. It is important to develop calming strategies during your commute to avoid getting to work feeling like a battle every day.  What are […]

How Do You Know If Your Friends are Making Your Addiction Worse?

You may be struggling with addiction and your friends are not helping you shake off these unhealthy habits. They make you feel like all of the poor decisions you have made are no big deal. It is important to understand that a true friend will support your recovery instead of bringing you down the dark […]

How Do You Find a Therapist If You are Suicidal?

What Should Partners Watch Out For in a New Mom?

You may have been told that if you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, it is important to see a therapist. It can be a difficult journey to find a therapist as there are many therapists that have limited training in suicide. When looking for a therapist, you need to find someone who specializes in suicide so […]

What is Congress Doing Now About the Opioid Crisis?

Does Recovery Mean the Same to Everyone?

Congress’s approach to dealing with the opioid crisis is expensive and still a struggle. While there is a reduction of opioid overdose deaths because of the introduction of Narcan in emergencies, so much more can be done. It is important to see what Congress is doing now about the opioid crisis to better figure out […]