How Do You Handle a Call From a Suicidal Friend?

Michelle Carter was sentenced to 15 months in jail for involuntary manslaughter after persuading her boyfriend to commit suicide. On January 23rd, Carter was released early from jail for good behavior. It is essential to know what to do when someone you love is considering suicide.  What Happened in the Michelle Carter Texting Scandal? Carter […]

Harvard Study Links Emotions with Substance Abuse


People are aware that smoking can destroy your lungs and your life. What if emotions are what come into play to make us want to smoke? Harvard University did four studies to see just how emotions come into play when feeling tempted to smoke. The Goal of the Studies A team of researchers conducted four […]

If Your Friend is Having a Mental Breakdown Online

Your friend may be posting on their social media feed that they are depressed without actually using the words “sad” or “depressed.” You do not have to scroll through all of their posts to see if your friend has a pattern of expressing their depression. It is important to speak to your friend about their […]

What Can Parents Do to Prevent Their Teens From Driving Drunk?

Letting your child drive drunk can be a deadly mistake. Alcohol can impair your reaction time, vision, and judgment. By preventing your teen from driving drunk, you could be saving their lives and the lives of others on the road. What is the Best Way to Lay Down the Rules of Alcohol Use and Driving? […]

Why is it Easier for Millennials to Talk About Mental Health Now?

Historically, people in their 50s or 60s are often ashamed to talk about mental health, leaving many cases undiagnosed. Now, we live in a world where people are not afraid to be public about their lives through social media. As millennials continue to break the stigma of mental illness, fewer people are going untreated, and […]

The Financial Cost of Ignoring Mental Health at Work

The giant stigma surrounding mental health is hurting businesses. Because more people are not willing to go into treatment, call-outs or losing your job can cause companies to hit a financial blunder. By erasing the stigma of mental health in the workplace, employees can keep their jobs and businesses can continue to thrive. Hard Financial […]

How Was Delonte West’s Mental Health Viewed as a Joke in the Past?

Back in 2007, Britney Spears was considered a joke for shaving her head in the middle of the night. Just like with Spears, former basketball player Delonte West’s bizarre behavior made him a laughingstock. Instead of expressing concern for his mental health, people found it easier to point and laugh. More people need to see […]

Marijuana and Anxiety

Many people rely on marijuana to help them with their anxiety. The THC found in marijuana has been known to provide people with a calming experience that temporarily relieves anxiety symptoms. By learning about healthier options to reduce your anxiety symptoms, you will no longer have to depend on cannabis to help calm you down. […]

How Did “This is Us” Tackle Anxiety?

On the hit television show “This Is Us”, one of the main characters, Randall, has an anxiety disorder. In the show, he has panic attacks and is portrayed as something of a control freak. The latest episode of “This Is Us” shows how anxiety can lead to nightmares. It also demonstrates how tough it is […]

The Largest Study of the Link Between Anxiety and Genetics

Millions of people are affected by anxiety in which past experiences, brain chemistry, and genetics can play a factor. While there have been many studies on the genetics of depression, fewer have looked for genetic variants linked to anxiety. The largest genome-wide study of anxiety traits has discovered six genetic variants linked to anxiety disorder. […]