Category Archives: Addiction

How a Daily Schedule Can Help Your Addiction Recovery


Having an everyday schedule for yourself is a great tool to keep you focused on your journey to recovery from addiction. Having a daily schedule will give structure to your day, so you will have less room to second guess yourself or make impulsive decisions. When you create a schedule you can more clearly map […]

Helpful Mantras for Recovery


When you are a recovering addict it can be easy to let negative self-talk get you down. You might tell yourself that “you can’t do this” or “you’ll never change.” Unfortunately, negative self-talk never helps anyone achieve his or her goals. Staying positive is an important part of staying healthy and beating your addiction. If […]

Take Up a Distraction

Covid-19 Treatment

Life can be overwhelming, making it harder to make healthy decisions. Oftentimes, mental health issues are hard to manage when you’re under a lot of stress. When life gets a little out of control it’s important to have a distraction to help you practice self-care. This is especially true when there’s nothing you can do […]

Staying Sober During the Holidays


The holidays are finally here! Whether you’ve been waiting in excitement or you’ve been quietly dreading them, you cannot stop the holiday season from arriving. The holiday season is a time of year filled with temptations. You may be coping with how to celebrate the holidays now that you’re sober, or you may be coping […]

How Can 16 and Recovering Change How MTV Represents Addiction and Mental Illness?

mental health

MTV was considered the first network to promote mental health awareness when they launched the campaign “Half of Us” in 2006 to decrease mental health stigma. Even though MTV was making a big step in addressing addiction and mental health, there was also criticism for exploiting the struggles celebrities were going through. MTV’s new docuseries […]

How Will 16 and Recovering Tackle Teen Addiction?


MTV has never been a stranger to creating reality TV shows about teen struggles such as the long-running 16 and Pregnant. On September 1st, the beginning of National Recovery Month, the brand-new series 16 and Recovering premiered to showcase the lives of students and families on the path of recovery, guided by high school faculty […]

Why Does “One Day at a Time” Work for Recovering Alcoholics?

onde day

The “one day at a time” philosophy is taught at 12-Step meetings as a reminder to commit to staying sober each day. Because it is known that there is no cure for alcoholism, the best that can be done is achieving sobriety for the next 24 hours. A new brain imaging study done by Yale […]

What Is the CDC’s Rx Awareness Campaign?


Everyone who has been under the influence of opioid drugs has their own story to tell. Originally launched in 2017, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s “Rx Awareness Campaign” uses ads and messages to share the stories of people who have been addicted to prescription opioids. By learning all about these stories of opioid […]

Should You Call the Police if You Catch Someone Doing Drugs?

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