Category Archives: Addiction

The Value of Individualized Treatment for Your Recovery

Man running

During your treatment for mental health and addiction, you can benefit from taking an individualized approach to your recovery. When you find the treatment plan that works best for you, you might start to see better results and higher rates of success. You are the center of your treatment. You are the one who understands […]

The Effects of Trauma and Mental Health


Trauma can have an impact on your mental health. You may have difficulty in many areas of your life due to past traumatic experiences. Trauma can be from one incident, longer episodes of abuse or neglect, or complex traumas, which can be from a long series of traumatic experiences. When you experience a traumatic event, […]

The Importance of Medication Management in Recovery


Medications may be part of your treatment program in recovery from mental illness and addiction. You may be taking medications for a variety of reasons, such as depression, anxiety, mood stabilization, anti-psychotics, or others. When you are not taking prescribed medications consistently, you might be negatively impacting your ability to heal and recover.  Make sure […]

Tips for Dealing With Stress and Anxiety


Stress and anxiety can impact both your mental and physical health. You might be able to manage your feelings of stress and anxiety by tapping into your physical body. Your mind and body are connected. When you feel good, you usually feel good all over. You feel happiness in your thoughts and mind as well […]

Recreational Therapy to Bring Energy to Your Treatment

Recreational Therapy

Treatment for mental health and addiction can involve multiple activities and approaches. Some alternatives that can supplement your treatment can be fun! Recreational therapy and other activities can give a boost to your recovery and energize your life. You can benefit from implementing recreational therapy into your treatment.  The Benefits of Recreation Here are some […]

What Are Words That Can Describe Your Level of Intoxication?

Decade after decade, people have used different words to describe how alcohol makes them feel. In the 1920s, they used the term “blotto,” and people in the 1950s used the word “honkers.” A new Penn State study proved that the language young adults use to describe how they are feeling when intoxicated can teach us […]

The Value and Importance of Consistency in Recovery

Consistency is one of the most important aspects of recovery. When we are creating new and healthy habits to change our lifestyles, we need to be consistent. When we lack consistency, we are not able to form new habits. We are confusing ourselves and we are setting ourselves up for failure. When we remain consistent, […]

What Has Walmart Done to Prevent the Opioid Crisis in Their Pharmacies?


The opioid crisis is still ongoing, with thousands of people dying from overdosing on prescription medications. Walmart and Sam’s Club are aware of the problem and have therefore decided to provide a solution through changes in their policies. Hopefully, the response Walmart and Sam’s Club have had to the opioid crisis will inspire other pharmacies […]

How Is the Opioid Scandal Affecting Drug Companies?

Pharmacy Companies

The fallout of the opioid crisis has already put Purdue Pharma and Insys Therapeutics into bankruptcy. Some of the nation’s biggest companies are facing uncertainty during the pandemic, including CVS, Johnson & Johnson, McKesson, and Walgreens. These companies are struggling with the manufacture and sales of prescription opioids while still trying to provide medicine and […]