Category Archives: Addiction

How Does Sharing My Story Help Others?

How Does Sharing My Story Help Others?

We hear of others telling their stories in recovery all the time – but you may be thinking, “Why should I do this?” Whether you’re at the beginning of your journey or have been working towards sobriety for quite some time, it’s an important question to ask yourself. Sharing your story is a vulnerable task. […]

Is There A Connection Between Trauma and Mental Health or Substance Abuse?

What Can a Study About a Sea Slug Teach Us About Drug Addiction?

There are millions of people across the world who have battled with mental health problems or substance abuse and there are just as many, if not more, who’ve also endured trauma. For some people, that could involve a car accident while for others, it could have involved growing up with an ill, abusive, or neglectful […]

Helping Those With Heroin Addiction Seek Recovery

(866) 457-3843

Nearly 1,000,000 Americans battle with heroin addiction each year. A sense of dependency is established with every dose of this incredibly addictive opioid that can be injected, sniffed, snorted, and smoked. The feeling it produces of being high is so incredibly strong that a person using this substance wants to recreate that experience, which means […]

How Can I Realize My Self-Worth in Recovery?


Before a person tends to seek out mental health or addiction recovery, they’re lost in this endless cycle of denial, cynicism, and habits that only seem to bring them down further. Alcohol and drugs have become a part of their norm and with this, it’s become easier to neglect serious aspects of mental and physical […]

Problems Families May Face While Their Loved One Seeks Treatment

How Does Sharing My Story Help Others?

When a loved one battles with substance abuse, it affects everyone around them. Grandparents may begin to take on more parental roles since that individual can no longer fulfill family responsibilities. Friends may fade away if they notice significant changes in that person. Not only does a person’s social network become affected, but so does […]

How Can Forgiveness Prevent Relapse?


Relapse is considered a very taboo subject for those in addiction recovery, often because nobody wants to associate themselves with that feeling of “going back,” “failing” or even the sense of “being weak.” Despite what you may have heard about relapse, it is a common occurrence for many of us in recovery. It can be […]

Combining Alcoholism and Abuse: A Dangerous Concoction

Combining Alcoholism and Abuse: A Dangerous Concoction|

There’s no denying the fact that alcohol has become a normal part of American culture. It’s used in celebrations, after-work ventures, relaxation on the weekends, and more. Drinking is often seen as a pretty common activity for millions of people across the nation. While there may be no harm in casual drinking, it becomes riskier […]

What it’s Like to Rediscover Yourself in Treatment

What it’s Like to Rediscover Yourself in Treatment|rediscover

A part of addiction recovery that often goes unspoken is the fact that we change as people. We learn more about who we are, we reinvent ourselves, and we create a life that’s more fitting to what we want. In many cases, this involves a change in social networks. The people we used to abuse […]

When Addiction Destroys Your Relationship

Relationships and addiction

No matter how long you’ve been with your significant other, it’s hard to say whether or not your relationship will be safe when tested with some of the most difficult circumstances of life, including addiction. In the beginning, you may have noticed that you or your partner were dabbling with substances bit by bit, but […]

How Does Anxiety Lead to Alcohol Abuse?

anxiety and alcohol

Alcohol is not notorious for its ability to solve problems. Therefore, it may seem counter-intuitive that people would turn to alcohol when suffering from anxiety. Yet, seeking release is a natural behavior for any person, especially people seeking shelter from their worries. Leaving anxiety untreated dramatically increases the chances of addiction and substance abuse. Of […]